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不需要愈合差的十字形切口。Cruciate incisions heal poorly and are not required.

幸运的是,十字韧带受伤是比较少见的猫。Fortunately, cruciate ligament injuries are relatively uncommon in the cat.

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他现在无法进行十字韧带修复手术知道下个月末。He may not now have his cruciate ligament operated on until the end of next month.

肥胖或过重可以是一个强有力的促进因素十字破裂。Obesity or excessive weight can be a strong contributing factor in cruciate rupture.

术前漏诊前交叉韧带损伤6例,半月板损伤5例。The diagnosis of 6 anterior cruciate ligamentum and 5 meniscus injuries were missed.

前叉重建后感染性关节炎是一种罕见的并发症。Postoperative septic arthritis is an uncommon complication after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.

软骨受伤需要三四周的时间来恢复,但是像昨天弗林蓬这样的十字韧带受伤需要六到九个月。A cartilage is three to four weeks but a cruciate like that one Frimpong did yesterday is six to nine months.

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作者用筋膜包裹的编织碳纤维假体代狗前交叉韧带,考察其功用与结局。Braided carbon fibres enveloped in fascia lata were used to replace the anterior cruciate ligament in 18 dogs.

当联合严重扭曲的发生,最常见的伤害是韧带断裂的前十字。When severe twisting of the joint occurs, the most common injury is a rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament.

结论高频超声能够较准确对膝前交叉韧带损伤进行诊断,具有一定的临床诊断价值。ConclusionHigh resolution sonography is useful in diagnosis trauma of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee.

在导管输出端,轻轻地为单孔削一个斜角。在硬模上打一个十字形的孔。Gently bevel the burr hole on the side where the catheter exit side will be. Make a cruciate puncture in the dura.

利物浦俱乐部表示今天一张扫描图确认了卢神的左膝前部十字韧带的受伤。Liverpool FC said today a scan had confirmed an injury to the anterior cruciate ligament in Lucas Leiva's left knee.

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软骨受伤需要三四周的时间来恢复,但是像昨天弗林蓬这样的十字韧带受伤需要六到九个月。That is a massive blow. A cartilage is three to four weeks but a cruciate like that one Frimpong did yesterday is six to nine months.

在200年九月,他在国家队的国际比赛时撕裂了左膝盖十字韧带,并被诊断最少要修养六个月。In September 2008, he ruptured the anterior cruciate ligament in his left knee on international duty and was ruled out for six months.

陈建明,李彦林,金耀峰,曹斌,李晓林计算机辅助技术在交叉韧带重建中的应用★。Chen J. -M. , Li Y. -L. , Jin Y. -F. , Cao B. , Li X. -L. Application of computer assisted technology in cruciate ligament reconstruction.

我被伤痛困扰了整整12个月,此前布朗曾也为两次韧带伤害烦恼了几乎两年的时间。I can talk about my injuries and being out for 12 months, but Wes has had two cruciate ligament injuries and been out for 12 months twice.

结果43例膝关节骨挫伤患者中,34例伴有交叉韧带损伤,9例不伴有交叉韧带损伤。Results In all 43 cases of bone contusion, 34 cases were complicated with cruciate ligament injury, non-cruciate ligament injury in 9 cases.

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交叉韧带外科的历史是一代又一代医学专家承先启后的发展史。The developmental history of the cruciate ligaments is the advances of human ideas and techniques in the area generations after generations.

他刚从十字韧带和软骨手术中恢复过来,通过官网向球迷表示还是需要一些耐心。The player returning from cruciate ligament and cartilage surgery tells the official Chelsea website that there is still a need for patience.

后十字韧带扭伤什不需要手术是可以肯定的,所以我们期待他在这个赛季能够重返赛场。It was confirmed that surgery was not necessary on the posterior cruciate ligament injury and so it is expected he will play again this season.