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对不起,叨光您了。Sorry to interrupt you.

抱歉打扰你Sorry to interrupt you.

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对不起,让您久等了。Sorry to interrupt you.

我说话的时候,请不能打岔。Don't interrupt me when I talk.

好,谢了。抱歉打断你了。OK, thanks. Sorry to interrupt.

吃锡不得有中断现象。To solder on path cannot interrupt.

别人在说话时,插嘴是不礼貌的。It’s impolite to interrupt a speaker.

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当我在跟别人说话时,不要打岔。Don't interrupt me while I am talking.

请问我可以打断你一下问一个问题吗?May I interrupt you to ask a question?

而且可以让他们互相打断对方的话。Also allow them to interrupt each other.

一个陷阱是一个软体产生的断续。A trap is a software-generated interrupt.

排戏期间,请勿打扰。Do not interrupt while we are rehearsing.

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中断服务程序所在的地址。The address of an interrupt service routine.

我们中断节目,插播一条重要新闻。We interrupt our programmes for a newsflash.

你打断人家的谈话,多没礼貌啊!What bad manners you interrupt others' talk.

通常,只有您可以中断自己的任务。In general, only you can interrupt your tasks.

非符合条件者,请勿投简历…The one isn't qualified, please do not interrupt.

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具有中断请求的正常间隔定时器模式。Normal interval timer mode with interrupt request.

这些新公寓将遮住我们观海的视线。These new flats will interrupt our view of the sea.

每当我说错的时候,你们可以打断我。Whenever I make a slip, you should always interrupt.