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一阵唧唧喳喳的说话声。A babble of voices.

我在鹅卵石上呀呀学语。I babble on the pebble.

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人生所有的怨声和怒言And all the babble of life's angry voices

我需要她待在我家里叽叽喳喳地有说有笑。I want to keep her to babble about the house.

有些人是为了打发时间,也许会口不择言地乱讲一通。Some one may babble a lot willingly to kill time.

经常刷牙牙怎么还发黑啊?How to often brush vi babble to return nigrescent ah?

古代的巴别塔正是现今的预兆。The Babel of antiquity foreshadows the babble of 1991.

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他们开始用不同的语言叽里咕噜地谩骂吵嚷起来。They began to curse and shout in a babble of languages.

听你不停的唠叨关于你的小资生活。Listen to your babble incessantly about your little life.

当这种情况发生的时候,不要慌张,也不要支支吾吾,无心作答。When this happens, don’t panic and start to babble nonsense.

我最喜爱的音乐就是广场上用奇怪的声调发出的生意。My favorite music is the babble of strange tongues in the marketplace.

有时老师只是在东扯西拉,有时只是在重复你已经知道的东西。Sometimes teachers babble. Sometimes they reiterate what you already know.

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先前的研究表明,婴儿当着母亲的面就嘟嘟得起劲。Past studies have shown that infants babble better in their mother's presence.

有些不可或缺的蔬菜在虚弱的水池中变得非比寻常轻便且稳定。Some indispensable vegetables have be ratably portable and stable in a feeble babble.

有些不可或缺的蔬菜在虚弱的水池中变得非常轻便且稳定。Some indispensable vegetables has been ratably portable and stable in a feeble babble.

有些不可或缺的蔬菜在虚弱的潺潺水声中变得非常轻便且稳定。Some indispensable vegetables has been ratably portable and stable in a feeble babble.

沉睡者的思维无法接受这种语言,在他们耳中听来就像是噪音,或是模糊不清的外语。Sleeper minds cannot process the language, and they mishear it as noise or foreign babble.

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当宝宝对某个事物感兴趣时,他们会皱起眉头,此时,父母应当理解咿呀的语言是孩子听觉在皱眉头。parents should understand that babble may be “an acoustic version of furrowing one's brow.

干扰音指的是由来自干扰通道的所有串音所产生的噪音或语音混乱。Babble refers to noise or confusion, which is the aggregate crosstalk from interfering channels.

所以无上瑜伽的口诀是“空,不要有自己的动作,童言无忌”。Hence, the pithy formula of utmost yoga is "empty, no your own actions and ignorance as child's babble".