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网站,永远是内容为王道。Website, it is content is kingcraft forever.

在未来,数码发行才是王道。In future, the number distributes gift is kingcraft.

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首先就是我们通常所说的内容是王道。It is us above all the content that says normally is kingcraft.

王道生正在思想开小差被教师一喊慌了。Kingcraft is born to be in thought absquatulate be called by the teacher confused.

天天更新内容,天天发展外链,是SEO的王道。Update content everyday, the catenary outside developing everyday, it is the kingcraft of SEO.

孟子理想中的圣人是要能够把儒家的王道理想推行于天下的人。The sage in Mencius' theory must try his best to realize the kingcraft ideality of Confucianism.

希望在你成就王道的路上我们能像你的一双脚一样为你踏平前面的那些荆棘。We'd like to help you just as your feet to beat the forward thorns on your way to the kingcraft !

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孙中山提倡的王道试图将其融入到列宁主张的世界主义文化中去。The kingcraft advocated by Sun Yat-sen tried to combine it with Lenin's ideas of cosmopolitism culture.

“世界末日”很快成为伦敦英王道上现代青年推崇的圣地。"Doomsday " make the Holy land of contemporary youth praise highly on London flower kingcraft very quickly.

听取来自他们的反馈,进行新版本的产品规划,才是王道!Listen to the feedback that comes from them, undertake the product of new version plans, just be kingcraft !

国家王道与资本王道互动,形成资本主义的王道体制。The interactivity between the state kingcraft and capitalist kingcraft forms the capitalist kingcraft system.

王道艰深,但奥妙只在于“以德服人”,即用自己的德行赢得天下人民的爱戴与信服。Though the Kingcraft is very hard, king can win all the people's loving and esteeming through his own virtue.

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第一,内容永远是王道,这点是老生常谈了,和众多网站没有区别。The first, content is kingcraft forever, be platitude this bit, do not have distinction with numerous website.

长期以来,学界常常以西方的民主思想来理解孟子的王道主义。For a long time the academia has always comprehended Mencius' doctrine of kingcraft from a viewpoint of Western democracy.

所以建议站的朋友,不管是导航站还是网站,内容才是王道,相信每个用户都喜欢。The friend that so the proposal stands, no matter be navigation station or website, content just is kingcraft , believe every user likes.

现代人类社会的国家政权与大大小小的资本企业都是统治劳动者生存方式的王道体系。The state powers and capital enterprises big or small in the modern human world are all kingcraft systems that dominate the ways of living of laborers.

现代人类社会的国家政权与大大小小的资本企业都是统治劳动者生存方式的王道体系。The state powers and capitalist enterprises, big or small, in the modern human world are all kingcraft systems that dominate the existence of laborers.

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站在“王道”、“仁政”和“性善论”的角度,可以看出孟子的经济思想与教育思想有着密切的联系。From the point of " kingcraft " , " humanity politics" and the "kindness by nature", we can infer that Mencius believes there should be a close link between the economy and education.

在人类社会,国家政权是社会王道,企业占有是经济王道,都是统治大众生存方式的帝王体系。In the human world, the state power is the social kingcraft and enterprise possession is the economic kingcraft . Both are kingcraft systems that dominate the lifestyles of the public.

在人类社会,国家政权是社会王道,企业占有是经济王道,都是统治大众生存方式的帝王体系。In the human world, the state power is the social kingcraft , and enterprise possession is the economic kingcraft . Both are kingcraft systems that dominate the life style of the public.