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工厂和货栈林立在江边。Factories and warehouses edge the waterfront.

今年的临海大概是又要下雪了。This year's waterfront is probably snowed again.

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水前的寡妇给了莫尔蒙一个冷冷的眼神。The widow of the waterfront gave Mormont a cool look.

滨水区有许多大楼都已修饰完毕。Many buildings on the waterfront have been spruced up.

江岸新建的仓库鳞次栉比。Row upon row of newly built warehouses line the waterfront.

恢复水生态系统结构和水滨空间。To rehabilitate aquatic ecosystem and the waterfront areas.

滨水景观是城市百态的缩影。Waterfront landscape is epitome of all kinds of social life.

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漫步城市重建的水边地码头区是游客必经之地。A stroll along the city's restored waterfront is also a must.

请问去海滨公园怎么走?我能坐公共汽车去吗?Excuse me, how do I get to waterfront park? Can I take a bus?

房址选在美丽的滨水地带,他们有资金。The site is beautiful waterfront land, and they have the funds.

怒啸明珠金贸下,沉吟黄浦外滩滨。Nu Xiao pearl gold trade, the pondering Huangpu Bund waterfront.

在临海副都心有免费的往返接送巴士服务。BAY SHUTTLE A free shuttle bus service system in waterfront area.

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在人造的天津湖,滨湖置业的数量很丰富。Waterfront property will be abundant in the man-made Tianjiahu lake.

入口广场喷水池、街空间水线、平台水岸等。Entrance plaza fountain, street space lanes, platform waterfront etc.

连接中环至北角长约4公里的拟议海滨长廊。About 4 km long waterfront promenade connecting Central to North Point.

诠释了滨水区绿地生态空间的概念。Annotating the conception of green area ecological space of waterfront.

多年来,然而,这种忙,成功的滨水区改变。Over the years, however, this busy, successful waterfront area changed.

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潮湿的溪畔是许多水滨植物生长的最佳环境。The wet bank is the best living environment for many waterfront plants.

不止在北京,在丹东的江畔这种看法也感受得到。Those sentiments are felt on Dandong's waterfront as well as in Beijing.

更不消说在马多夫棕榈滩也够买上两处滨水豪宅的。Not to mention two of Bernie Madoff's Palm Beach waterfront getaway homes.