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一支护航舰队被炮火击中。A convoy was hit by gunfire.

编队8号船必须在船闸停船处待命。Convoy 8 must wait at lay-by.

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在协调世界时0800时你船加入过运河编队。You will join convoy at 0800 UTC.

协同攻击敌人护航船的潜艇群。The convoy was attacked by submarines.

护送队,蒙古,中国,14世纪。Convoy of Mongols, Chinese, 14th Century.

破冰援助编队护航已完成。Ice-breaker assistance for convoy finished.

除了一支军事护送队以外,他还会发现什么呢?What should he find but a military convoy ?

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目的就是为一组扫雷艇护航。The aim was to convoy a group of mine sweepers.

破冰援助编队护航现在开始。Ice-breaker assistance for convoy will start now.

一名北约军事补给车队踢上1月21日的灰尘。A NATO military re-supply convoy kicks up dust on Jan. 21.

这只是一次对英勇的美国人回家的护送。It was just a convoy of brave Americans, making their way home.

破冰援助编队护航将于当地时间0915时开始。Ice-breaker assistance for convoy will start at 0915 local time.

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TARDEC曾在罗德奥的车队事件及其在显示自己的系统。TARDEC had its own system on display at the rodeo's convoy event.

这些黄金在武装警卫的护运下安全运达银行保险库。The gold was reached the bank's vault under convoy of armed guards.

夜深了,一串连绵不绝的大巴车队驶到前台。Later that night, an endless convoy of buses rumbles up to reception.

这使得他们在护送任务中与塔利班发生交火时处于下风。That makes them ineffective for battling Taliban attacks on a convoy.

萨阿迪跟随最新的车队穿越边境进入尼日尔境内。Al-Saadi Gaddafi was in the latest convoy which has crossed into Niger.

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她强大的武器装备可以轻易地让任何和她遭遇的护航舰队灰飞烟灭。Her range of weaponry could easily decimate any convoy she encountered.

我希望听到护送他的汽车刹车的声音,但没有,一片安静。I'm expecting to hear a convoy of cars pulling up, but nothing, silence.

没有方针迹象,我想他逝世了,耗炸机2号返航。No signs of the hostile. I think we got him. Buraq 2 retuning to convoy.