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三名护林员和五名刚果士兵阵亡。Three rangers and five Congolese soldiers were killed.

在他倦意蜷蜷的伦巴歌声中,刚果夫妇们从来没有停止过舞步。Congolese couples had never stopped dancing to his languorous rumbas.

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很多非洲音乐,像刚果乐和马里的音乐。Yeah, a lot of African music like Congolese music and music from Mali.

民兵和刚果士兵更像将把性暴力当做武器。Militias and Congolese soldiers alike now use sexual violence as a weapon.

艾米.巴利吉兹是一位年轻的刚果人,他正在给非洲带来变化。Aime Baligizi is a young Congolese man who is making a difference in Africa.

这个简单的方式在刚果的数百个营养中心发挥作用。This simple formula is working in hundreds of Congolese nutritional centres.

陪审团学会了一个新词汇,今多吉。这是刚果人对巫术的叫法。The jury learnt a new word, kindoki. It is what the Congolese call witchcraft.

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“麦麦战士”和雇佣他们的刚果商人已经把他当成了打击的目标。The Mai-Mai—and the Congolese businessmen who fund them—have made him a target.

M23反叛军要求与刚果总统约瑟夫·卡比拉进行直接对话。The M23 rebels are demanding direct talks with Congolese President Joseph Kabila.

一个刚果部长访问古巴部长,并被邀请参观古巴部长的豪宅。A Congolese minister visited a Cuban minister, who invited him to his stunning mansion.

穆伦达呼吁刚果人民投票,因为这是他们的权利。Ngoy-Mulunda is calling for the Congolese people to go and vote as that is their right.

一些侥幸存活下来的公司只能给税务员塞些刚果法郎以求他们能放过一马。Some survive by slipping the tax collector a few Congolese francs to look the other way.

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刚果一架飞机在东部城市基桑加尼坠毁,造成至少46人死亡。Congolese airliner has crashed in the eastern city of Kisangani, killing at least 46 people.

从利奥波德时代起,刚果的资源就很少造福刚果人。From the days of Leopold, Congolese resources rarely if ever have benefited the people of Congo.

刚果人民钦佩中国改革开放取得的巨大成就。The Congolese people admire the enormous achievements in China's reform and opening-up endeavor.

今年4月,一架刚果飞机在戈马附近坠毁,导致近50人死亡,100多人受伤。In April, a Congolese aircraft crashed near Goma killing nearly 50 people and injuring more than 100.

我的第一位顾客是一个女孩,那是一段美妙的经历,为此我挣到第一个250刚果法郎。My first customer was a girl. It was a wonderful feeling to earn my first 250 Congolese francs myself.

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周一早上,刚果和联合国军队发动联合袭击之后重新夺回机场。The airport was retaken on Monday morning after a new joint offensive between Congolese and UN troops.

往往,我们将所有的刚果男人被当成敌人,而非持枪威胁刚果人民的士兵。Too often, the enemy becomes all Congolese men rather than men with guns terrorizing the Congolese people.

这些团体长期安营扎寨在刚果的丛林之间,已经逐渐分化。Long camped out in the Congolese bush, these groups have become splintered and some also have domestic agendas.