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她是一位节烈女子。She was a rigorously chaste woman.

以便严格地修正这个问题。So that more rigorously fixes the problem.

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这出戏的女主角可真节烈。The heroine of the play is rigorously chaste.

从公设的基础上严谨地推演几何学。Geometry is developed rigorously from a postulational base.

然而,在做这件事情时,我可以感受到自己是在严格工作的。Yet in doing so, I could believe that I am rigorously working.

在高级别上,我们严格应用身份验证和授权。At a high level, we apply authentication and authorization rigorously.

在高层上,严格应用身份验证和授权。At a high level, you apply authentication and authorization rigorously.

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严格遵守包和类的命名约定和大小写约定。Rigorously follow package and class naming and capitalization conventions.

学术团体对硫柳汞的安全性进行了严格的审查。The safety of thiomersal has been rigorously reviewed by scientific groups.

过去,扎沃斯曾声称,他会严格筛选克隆人类的胚胎。Zavos has claimed in the past that he will rigorously screen cloned human embryos.

深圳严查电信邮政资费猫腻。Shenzhen investigates rigorously the fees trick of telecommunication postal service.

许多资源贫乏的国家缺乏严格筛选血液供应的设施。Many resource-poor countries lack facilities for rigorously screening blood supplies.

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而且,本片的摄影风格是极度主观的,要表达希斯克利夫的视点。What's more, the camerawork is rigorously subjective, assuming Heathcliff's viewpoint.

有一份公开的议程,并严格执行,这是最简单的办法。A published agenda, rigorously followed, is the easiest way to make nonattendance safe.

至少警方这次不强制禁止凌晨2点后的狂欢行为了。At least the police are not rigorously enforcing a threatened ban on carousing after 2am.

寻找当前的分类帐余额,您可以精确指定想要的余额。Looking for the current ledger balance, you can rigorously specify which balance you want.

而这方面工作的基石,是对知识产权制度的严格执行。And a cornerstone of that effort must be a rigorously enforced intellectual property regime.

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假如能有力实施这一公约,希腊就绝不会得到加入欧盟的许可。If the pact had been rigorously enforced, Greece would never have been allowed into the euro.

因此任何可以严格定义的数据类型都是专用数据刀片的供选对象。So any data type which c can be rigorously defined is a candidate for a specialised Datablade.

然而,在于当前能让我们重新拉回到现实,这时候,我们能无情地核对自己的故事。But becoming present puts us back in reality, where we can rigorously fact-check our own tales.