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我开始摇晃起来。I started to sway.

树枝在风中微微摇荡。Branches sway gently in the wind.

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树枝在风中轻轻摇动。Branches sway gently in the wind.

呸!你的诡计无法动摇我的铁锤!Ach! Your ruses shall not sway my hammer!

要扯起帆桁,还得过来一个人!Another man is needed to sway the mast up.

树枝一弯,我能感到梯子一偏。I feel the ladder sway as the boughs bend.

晃晃兔头,福禄祷禧。The rabbit head, sway ferro prayer jubilee.

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摆动左,右摇,摇下来或摆动起来。Sway left , sway right, sway down or sway up.

你能像我那样在树枝之间荡来荡去吗?Can you sway like me from one branch to another?

酒店运营商的财运常常随着整体经济而波动。Hotelier fortunes sway with the broader economy.

如果你拥有自己的创业型公司,影响你的是什么呢?If you’ve got your own startup, what would sway you?

春风吹拂满枝叶,细雨润开山里红。Spring sway over leaves, rain Run to open Shan Lihong.

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但是他的指控并没有影响到法庭的判决。But he did not sway the jury, which convicted Hauptmann.

摇荡的桶使一些牛奶溢出。SWAY】The sway of the pail caused some milk to spill out.

滑进一张椅子中,或者保持直立,来回的摇晃。Slip into a chair or remain upright, and sway back and forth.

如果你摇晃它,你能听到核仁的声音哦。If you sway grape, you could listen nucleolus sways the sound.

犹如搂抱着海滩的慵懒海洋,抱紧我,使我摇得更强劲。Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore, Hold me close, sway me more.

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但是在调节性T细胞的影响下,巨噬细胞却起相反的作用。But under the sway of T-regs, macrophages act the opposite way.

这使雕像具有能够在港湾中随风摇摆的灵活性。This flexibility allows the statue to sway in the harbor winds.

但现如今,封建首领列克·杜加季纳的法律再一次死灰复燃了。Now, the laws of the feudal leader Lek Dugajine hold sway again.