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我们已经有一个可用的相对性方程。We had a relativistic equation which worked.

就在相对论的探索前站不住了。It breaks down in the face of relativistic exploration.

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这里,时间发生相对性膨胀。This is where relativistic time dilations come into it.

现在如果要正确描述它们的话就需要相对论了。Now relativistic theories are needed to describe them correctly.

那么,等离子体中的相对论透明是怎样发生的呢?So, how does this relativistic transparency happen inside plasma?

克劳斯解释说,关键在于时间的相对性所产生的影响。The key involves the relativistic effect of time, Krauss explains.

星系观测能用相对论性引力解释吗?。Can a Relativistic Gravity Theory Explain the Galactic Observations ?

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计算中考虑了除自旋-轨道耦合外的所有相对论效应。All the relativistic effects except spin-orbit coupling are considered.

研究相对论性变质量系统的守恒律。The conservation laws of relativistic variable mass systems were studied.

一个基本粒子不但具有量子性质,同时也具有相对论性质。An elementary particle has quantum properties, as well as relativistic ones.

我们大脑以这种“相对”的方式对待事物,金钱,只不过是其中一种。Money is just one more thing that our minds treat in this relativistic fashion.

分析了相对论平均场模型的有效范围。The range of the validity of relativistic mean-field model is analyzed and discussed.

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这就提出了一个问题,介子谱中的相对论效应到底有多大?This raises a question, how much meson spectrum in the relativistic effects in the end?

第一乃是针对不均匀磁场下的相对论效应之离子迴旋不稳定性。The first aims on the relativistic ion cyclotron instability in non-uniform magnetic field.

相对论效应加强了它的强度,使二聚物更加稳定。The relativistic effects strengthen the intensity of them, and make the dimers more stable.

对强流相对论电子束抽运氩产生的氩的第三谱带进行了研究。The study on the third continuum of argon pumped by the relativistic electron beam was made.

本文在相对论的理论框架内讨论“超光速”的可能性。Possibility of superlight velocity are discussed within the framework of relativistic theory.

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用转动框架中的相对论平均场理论描述超形变核。Relativistic mean field theory in the rotating frame is used to describe superdeformed nuclei.

对于重原子,必须考虑自旋-轨道耦合相对论效应。Alternatively speaking, the effect of spin-orbit-coupling is uppermost in relativistic effects.

提出了交叉道研究中的一种新的、相对论性的、无奇异性的顶角形状因子。New relativistic and singularity free baryon form factor for crossing channel study is proposed.