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让礼貌成为你的华饰!Let courtesy be your adorning.

下一步是装饰圣诞树。Adorning the tree is the next step.

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下一步是装饰圣诞树。Adorning the tree is the beside part.

墙上装饰的苹果标识很明显是复制品。Apple signs adorning the walls appeared to be copies.

我的手下正在修装甲。马上我们就可以进攻了。My noblemen are adorning their armour, Soon they will be ready to siege.

另一个女人一只手套着金手链,另一只手拿着手榴弹。Another woman has gold rings adorning one hand and a hand grenade in the other.

红玛瑙石和为镶在厄弗得和胸牌上的宝石。Onyx stones, and precious stones, for the adorning of the ephod and the rational.

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象形文字有着古老的历史,目前被应用于许多装饰设计中。The pictograph has a very long history and has been used in many adorning designs.

BD广告装饰有限公司职业管理体系的研究与设计。Career Management System Research and Design of BD Advertising Adorning Limited Company.

日本人则在公元3世纪末时才开始用精美的纹身来装饰身体。Japanese men began adorning their bodies with elaborate tattoos in the late A.D. 3rd century.

那是因为基因不能完全说明表面像灯芯绒一样的指尖。That's because genes don't tell the whole story of the corduroy-like surface adorning our fingertips.

最好的部分在于其出众的万宝龙标志,这颗星雕刻在镶嵌于笔盖上方的珍珠母上。The best thing is the exclusive Montblanc symbol, the star chiseled in mother of pearl adorning the cap.

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如果有人保存了那些页张,今天就会有满满一篮美丽的花儿装点我们的孟加拉语文学。Had anyone preserved them they would have been to-day a basketful of flowers adorning our Bengali literature.

不过,一到夏天,这座湖就是颗闪闪发亮的珠宝,为这位凌霄皇后颀长、昂扬的美颈增添光采。In summer, though, the lake is a shimmering jewel adorning the long, preening neck of this skyscraping queen.

你望着自己的玉手点缀着金黄的色彩,内心感觉怎能用语言形容?You are looking at your jade hand to adorning golden colour, can inner feeling use a language to describe how?

如果你要美丽,您可以很容易地看到,没有任何装饰自己很匹配的宝石手镯。If you like to have beauty you can easily see, nothing quite matches adorning yourself with a gemstone bracelet.

并说明了版式编排与书籍装帧整体设计协调和统一的联系。The relations between format arrangement and the harmony and unification of book adorning design were explained.

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胸前佩戴着军功章的金大山从部队复员,回到了家乡。Adorning the Jin Dashan of milistary exploit chapter is demobilized from army before the bosom, returned home town.

这庙相似神庙在雅典,同列支持轻轻见顶屋顶和雕塑装饰。This temple resembled the Parthenon in Athens, with columns supporting a gently peaked roof and sculptures adorning the pediments.

指出理解性、历史性和图案性是形象文字具有装饰美的重要原因。It was pointed out that he pictograph comprehension, historicity and pattern are the reasons that caused the beauty of its adorning.