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“好”显然有所指是建立在喜悦和痛苦上的。"Good" obviously has a referent based on pleasure and pain.

当指涉运动发生时,象征和直接指涉物都发生了改变。As referent movement occurs, both symbolization and direct referent change.

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这里我们也可以看见,非语言的内在流动是如何作为指示物被使用的。Here, too, we see how this unverbalized visceral flow is used as a referent.

现在这个时代是以往的资本主义中没见过的。The present era has no comparable referent in the past history of capitalism.

或者换种思考的方式,大家记得我说过当我们,调用类的定义声明的时候,它会创建一个实例?Is is essentially saying, given 2 things, do they point to exactly the same referent?

这是指涉运动——就是说,现在正被符号化的物件变化了。There is referent movement--that is to say, that which is being symbolized is changing.

他们从来都不能替代直接指涉,指涉运动和内容转变。They are never a substitute for direct reference, referent movement, and content mutation.

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他看待并象征的方式不同了,因为他直接关联的感受指涉物不同了。What he looks at and symbolizes is different as the felt referent to which he directly refers is different.

这样的世界乡情诗,在加速改革开放、面向世界的今天,更有其强烈的借鉴意义。Guo's global hometown complex embodies referent significance in accelerating reform and opening up of China.

意义与指称的关系是中西方语言哲学的一个争论的焦点。The relationship between meaning and referent is the focus of the debates in Chinese and western philosophy of language.

第三部分,以湿磨的磨矿介质为产品对象,讨论了耐磨蚀材料的选择原则。The third part discusses the selection principle of wear-corrosion resistant materials as a referent of grinding ore media.

在时间空间相对一致的情况下,社会因素也是符号指涉发生变化主要因素。Relatively consistent in time and space conditions, social factors also play a symbolic referent to change the main factors.

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以感官评价为指标,通过挤压膨化、粉碎和调配等工艺研制了麦胚芽和玉米粉混合的冲剂产品。Triturated food prepared by extrusion of wheat germ and cornmeal was studied with referent indexes of sensory characteristics.

就像其他事物一样,欲望简直就是一个指示物,这样诱惑就正好用它精神上的优点,马上优于和胜过它。Desire is simply a referent like any other, which seduction immediately betters and transcends, precisely by virtue of its its spirit.

本文涉及到的相关概念包括休闲、休闲空间、滨水区和滨水区休闲空间。The referent concept is including recreation, recreational space, area of waterfronts and recreational space in the area of waterfronts.

因此,个体必须“移动进去”,“通过”这些情绪到达其整体的感受意义——直接指涉物。" Thus, one must "move into" and "through, " or "on by, " these emotional tones to the direct referent which is the felt meaning of it all.

包含的名字成分表明指代的人在社会中有特定的角色或地位,如正式的头衔或者官阶。contains a name component which indicates that the referent has a particular role or position in society, such as an official title or rank.

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人体近义名词是能够指称同一人体器官或部位,但在词义、句法功能等方面存在差异的人体名词。Synonymous Body Nouns referent the same human organ or body parts, but they are different in extensional meanings and syntactic distribution.

在语义上,主语和宾语的指称可以分为“同指”和“异指”两种类型。In its semantic meaning, we can divide the referent of its subject and object into two categories, namely, the same referent and the different referent.

情境和外部事件,符号,以及行动,可以与我们的感觉进程进行互动,完全不需要任何对直接指涉的反思。Situations and external events, symbols, and actions may interact with our feeling process quite without any reflexive attention paid to the direct referent.