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与玛丽一起莳花。Gardening with Mary.

农业和园艺业。Farming and gardening.

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作园艺时请戴手套。Wear gloves when gardening.

是的,园艺在这里很火爆。Yes, gardening is big here.

现在来弄弄花草。Now for a spot of gardening.

一个爱好,像园艺或棒针A hobby such as gardening or knitting

我试着种果树花草,但未乐成。I tried gardening but didn't succeed.

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他退休后就搞起了园艺。He took to gardening in his retirement.

她正在阅读一本园艺手册。She is reading a handbook on gardening.

在园中干完那么多活后,我累坏了。I'm fagged out after all that gardening.

这款文胸还配有一双园艺手套。The bra also comes with gardening gloves.

瞧瞧我们成套的园艺工具。Come and see our range of gardening tools.

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退休后他以养花种草作为消遣。He takes up gardening after his retirement.

我想今天的天气非常适合种花。I think it's perfect weather for gardening.

这里有一个很浓厚的园艺文化。And it's a big, big culture, gardening here.

种那些花草要花费很多的心血,不值得。Gardening takes more bother than it's worth.

我喜欢阅读、摄影,还有养养花花草草。I love reading, taking photos and gardening.

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这本书谈耕作和园艺。The book is about both farming and gardening.

对待文章之用心,要么像修剪花草或摆弄盆栽,要么像精雕细琢或。Approach it like topiary. Or bonsai gardening.

雇用一种对环境友好的园艺或汽车服务。Hire an eco-friendly gardening or car service.