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宽恕是一件极其私人的事。Absolution is an intensely private matter.

悔过者获得了赦免。Those who were penitent obtained absolution.

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神父听了她的告解后给她赦罪。The priest heard her confession and granted absolution.

您不接受就是不承认她的赎罪吧?Could you not recognized it without granting her absolution?

历史并未提到神父是否赦免了他。History does not relate whether the priest gave him absolution.

史书上没有记载是否神父宽恕了他。History does not relate whether the priest gave him absolution.

赦免,对于杀害他的人只能是永不可知的怜悯。Absolution is a mercy that people who killed him will never know.

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领过圣餐、行过涂敷圣油仪式后,他平静地死去了。After receiving absolution and the last unction, he quietly died.

这名罪人已经认罪,并祈求赦免和宽恕。This sinner has confessed her sins and begged for absolution and forgiveness.

莫里亚克精心塑造作品中的主要人物形象,通过他们表达自己对绝对的否定。Mauriac created his hero carefully, for he hoped to deny absolution through his heroes.

这些人物形象证明了追求绝对是错误的,也是不可能的。The heroes in the works of Mauriac proved that absolution was not only wrong but also impossible.

它们并不能够互相牴触无效,如同告解及赦免并没有互相牴触无效。They do not invalidate one another, just as confession and absolution do not invalidate one another.

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劳动合同的解除制度作为劳动合同的重要组成部分,对劳动者与用人单位双方当事人的利益影响重大。It is also the important safeguarding way to defend the workers rights. The absolution system is an important part in labor contract.

蠲恤则例是指救灾扶荒与蠲减税赋方面的法规或准则。The rule of absolution for taking pities on destitution was related to relieving the disaster and reducing farm taxes and excising taxes.

神终于给了他一个光荣的任务,去宣布赦免一座本来要被罪行毁灭的城市——尼尼微城。At last God commissioned him a glorious task to announce the absolution of Nineveh, a city which would have rotten and perished in its sins.

关于形式的圣事,无论是安理会的佛罗伦萨和安理会的遄达教授认为,它存在于一个字的赦免。Regarding the form of the sacrament, both the Council of Florence and the Council of Trent teach that it consists in the words of absolution.

利用这笔钱为大屠杀做点什么,对我来说真的很像是一种赦免,而且这是一件我既不希望也不在乎的事情。Using it for something to do with the Holocaust would really seem like an absolution to me, and that is something I neither wish nor care to grant.

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通过增加离子的能量并合理选择气体和飞行距离提高GF-TOF对同量异位素的分辨能力。Through increasing the energy of ions, selecting suitable gas and distance of flight, it can improve the absolution of GF-TOF to detect the isobars.

格拉提神父匆忙赶到坠机地点,他尽可能靠近炙热的残骸,为遇难者祈祷,并赦免了他们的罪行。The priest hustled toward the accidental crash and got as close to the fiery wreckage as he could. He said a prayer and offered a blanket absolution.

相反的,所有三个都具有相同难题的显著的面貌。它们并不能够互相牴触无效,如同告解及赦免并没有互相牴触无效。On the contrary, all three are salient aspects of one and the same problem, and they no more invalidate one another than do confession and absolution.