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如何治疗慢性浔麻疹?。How to treat waterside chronically hives ?

岸边,他一把把她拉到怀里。He pulled her to his chest there by the waterside.

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柳外寒轻,水边亭小。Liu cold outside light, a small waterside pavilion.

贡觉活佛一直把他们送到水边。Gongjue living buddha has accompanied them to waterside.

这个场馆描述了泰国的历史故事,他们最初傍水而居,生生不息,逐渐繁荣发展起来。It portrays the story of Thais, who prospered waterside.

水边台榭是中国园林常见的特点之一。A common feature of Chinese garden is the waterside pavilion.

其中,尤以各种水榭最具特色。Among them, particularly the most unique variety of waterside.

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水库旁,池塘畔,一支钓竿,静坐水边。Reservoir next to the pond bank, a fishing rod, sit waterside.

站在一旁的柳树准备在夏天帮助我们。Willows at the waterside stand ready to help us to the Summerland.

水边的故事,是一叠永恒转动的故事。Waterside of the story is the story of a stack of permanent rotation.

水边植物如水葱、菖蒲、芦苇等一般在岸边丛植。Waterside plants such as calamus, reed general Zhi Cong in the shore.

一天庄子在湖边散步,忽然看见他的学生蹲在水边哭泣。Suddenly he sees one of his students squatting at the waterside crying.

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如果你很走运,住进了面朝市区或水边的房间,风景还是很不错的。Good view if you are lucky enough to get rooms which face the city or waterside.

如果在户外,找到一个打开的地方,从来没有接近的汽车或水边。If in the open air, find an open place and never get close to cars or waterside.

尤其在北京这个少水的环境中,成为稀缺的亲水风景社区。It is a rare waterside scenery residential area in Beijing, a place short of water.

照顾好孩子,不要跨越护栏,不要在水边、陡坡等危险区域玩耍和照相,以保证安全。Take good care of your children. Keep off the guardrails, waterside or steep areas.

江南地区水域景观具有很高的研究价值。Waterscape and waterside landscape in Jiang Nan region possess great research value.

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但居住在曙光小区的人们却每天都能享受水光山色的潋滟风景。But residents in Shuguang Residential Area can enjoy the scenery of waterside landscape.

本文对“兰亭修禊”诸问题进行初步考证。The paper initially makes a textual research on issues of the waterside ritual in Lanting.

连绵起伏的青山以及一望无垠的蓝天完美地衬托了这片时尚水域。The rolling hills and clear blue sky are the perfect backdrop to this trendy waterside area.