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新来者也在军事上为北约作贡献。The newcomers have also contributed militarily to NATO.

奥巴马在哪里?他是否打算军事干涉?Where is Oblahblah? Is he going to militarily intervene?

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这种想法在政治上可能看来可取,但在军事上那是废话一堆。Politically maybe the idea seems good but militarily it's poppycock.

独立后的印尼出现了权力真空,爪哇人掌管了军事权力。A power vacuum ensued and the Javanese were able to take over militarily.

它对小国和军事弱国的影响不能被过分强调。Its implications for small and militarily weak nations cannot be over-emphasized.

华盛顿似乎得出结论,他们不能在军事上打败阿富汗的的抵抗力量。Washington seems to be concluding it cannot defeat the national resistance militarily.

除了核力量,俄罗斯真没比中国强多少。Nuclear weapons aside Russia really isn't that much more militarily capable than China.

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么,是什么原因使法西斯德国在军事上取得暂时性的胜利呢?So, the victory that the reason why makes the Germany obtained the palliation militarily?

当年萨达姆·侯赛因武装侵略伊朗,所有的国家都支持他。When Saddam Hussein militarily attacked Iran, the rest of the countries all supported him.

我们知道中国有非常巨大的潜力,不仅在经济方面,而且在军事方面。We know that China has such tremendous potential, not just economically but also militarily.

十字架在军事上也是很有用处的符号,在实战中通常被当做图案或者是花纹来使用。And the cross was a militarily useful symbol that had figured dramatically in actual battles.

拉斯穆森说,反对派在军事上正在挺进,虽然还不清楚到什么程度。Rasmussen said the rebels are advancing militarily in Libya, although it was unclear how much.

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无论蒋政权暴露出怎样的腐败、威权、军事无能,也不能改变他们的看法。No exposure of Chiang as corrupt, autocratic and militarily incompetent would shift their view.

一战期间,瑞士保持中立,不加入任何一个战争中的军事集团。Switzerland proclaimed neutrality in World War I and was not involved militarily in the conflict.

在西方国家,与此同时,另一个帝国的增长,已证明是在军事上等同于宋。In the west, meanwhile, another empire rose and proved to be militarily equal to the Song Dynasty.

你认为联合国应该被授权干预地区军事冲突吗,比如目前达富尔这样的状况?Do you think the U. N. should be given authority to intervene militarily in situations like Darfur?

因此中国的战略是使日本处于军事上软弱无力、外交和道德被动防守的地位。So China's strategy is to keep Japan militarily impotent, and on the diplomatic and moral defensive.

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如果你是一个爱好和平的鹰派,你应该知道,中国军事力量不久就会超过美国。If you are a gun loving lib-hawk you should know that China will soon have the edge on us militarily.

中国崛起不仅仅是经济上的,还包括地缘政治和军事上的,为此世界将如何适应?How will the world adapt to china rising not only economically, but also geopolitically and militarily?

军事上侵犯其他国家?我不认为。帮助获得更好的关系那绝对是的。Entrenching into a foreign country militarily? I don't think so. Help gain better relations definitely yes.