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当我们在瑜伽垫上练习时,“非暴力”究竟是什么意思呢?But what does it mean to practice Ahimsa on our yoga mats?

印度教的一个更深一层的特征就是非暴力的理念。A further characteristic of Hinduism is the ideal of ahimsa.

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他解放印度的能力,正是他对非暴力的信仰。His ability to free India, was his power of belief in ahimsa.

耆那教以不害为判断一切行为的准则。In Jainism ahimsa is the standard by which all actions are judged.

做为瑜伽追寻者,我们需要超越“小我”,在非暴力的和谐中流动。We need to move beyond the little 'i' as yoga seekers, and flow in harmony of ahimsa.

我认为是文化使然。我们的文化根基是不杀生,而他们的文化看重暴力主义。I think it is cultural. While the concept of ahimsa is fundamental to us, they culture values himsa.

我们的政府在沉睡,有兴趣遵守甘地主义政策,即对中国人奉行善意和非暴力政策。Our govt is sleeping and is interested to follow Gandhiji policy of goodwill and Ahimsa with Chinese.

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印度是一个崇尚非暴力的国度。我们已经取消了谋杀拉吉夫甘地的凶手的死刑。India is a country practising ahimsa. We have already cancelled death sentence of Rajiv Gandhi killers.

随着时间的推移,一些人口群体接受素食,由于古代印度哲学阿含沙区。Over time, some segments of the population embraced vegetarianism, due to ancient Hindu philosophy of ahimsa.

最后,非暴力就是不要伤害自己或他人,与世人共同快乐地生活。In the end I can say that Ahimsa is not harming yourself or others either, just happily live and let others live.

修行人奉行万物为一体的观念,因此发展出爱惜生命,不杀生,以及民胞物与等的信念。A man of practice attaches much importance to integration of all creatures so he develops the ideas of loving life, ahimsa and things and human are from the same mother.