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汉密尔顿看起来垂头丧气。Hamilton looks crestfallen.

我就垂头丧气的走回家。I was crestfallen to go home.

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我垂头丧气的朝琴房走去。I were left crestfallen to the playing.

那青年看上去垂头丧气极了。The youth looked exceedingly crestfallen.

这并没有让斯坦福大学研究人员感到气馁。This did not let Stanford college researcher feel crestfallen.

在晚上,小狗垂头丧气的在大树前乱动。In the evening, the crestfallen little dog walked by a big tree.

怎麽了?你看起来垂头丧气的,好像世界末日一样。What happened? You look so crestfallen like it's the end of the world!

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一天,我朋友九岁的儿子垂头丧气的从主日学校回到家中。My friend’s nine-year-old son came home crestfallen from Sunday school one day.

我认为如果我们动员起来,雾霾应该灰溜溜地逃避它。I think that if we are mobilized fog and haze should be crestfallen to escape it.

灰溜溜的灰姑娘即将穿上红舞鞋成为闪闪发光的舞公主!Crestfallen Cinderella is about to put on The Red Shoes become shiny dance princess!

皮特刚刚就看起来很悲伤,现在看起来垂头丧气,失去亲人的爱让他快哭了。Doherty may have looked saddened before, but now he looks crestfallen , bereft, close to tears.

朴没有和程约会成功垂头丧气的回到宫的住处,原来朴也喜欢程。Park no dating routine success crestfallen returned to the palace residence, the park also like to ride.

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当考古学家最后掘开地表,打开落满灰尘的密室大门时,却遭受了当头一击。When the archaeologists finally dug down and opened the door of the dusty chamber, they were crestfallen.

芳凝垂头丧气的到影楼,自惭是个无能的母亲,无法保住儿子最心爱的地方。Aromatic condensation crestfallen to studio, shame is a incompetent mother, unable to keep sons favorite place.

几天前还帮助雷曼兄弟与两家潜在买家进行谈判的科恩失望之极。Mr. Cohen, who days earlier had shepherded Lehman through negotiations with two potential saviors , was crestfallen.

他非但没有在一次次的拒绝中气馁,反而饶有兴致地研究起其中的成功之道。He not only in doing not have the rejection in crestfallen , be full of interest ground to consider to have among them successful way instead.

在布鲁塞尔机场,美国人理查德和凯西夫妇懊丧地发现他们回华盛顿的班机被取消了。And at Brussels Airport, Americans Richard and Kathy Boughton were crestfallen to find their flight home to Washington D.C. had been cancelled.

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事实上,斯坦福有点沮丧,因为他没能找到星虫,一种属于星虫动物门的奇怪动物,如果能找到,那么发现的动物种类将正好是十个。Sanford isactually a little crestfallen because he can't find a peanut worm, an odd thingin the phylum Sipuncula that would give us an even ten.

当我厚着脸皮念给他听的时候,我笑了,他却面无表情,我反倒被弄得灰溜溜的,心里这个气,“我怎么就糊里糊涂地嫁给你了呢?"Cheek when I read to him, I laughed, he blankly, on the contrary, I was very crestfallen , the gas was, " I am confused on how to marry You do?

另一种类型是真正受欺负的孩子—他虽然有时也向家长诉苦,但更多的是表现出愁眉苦脸、垂头丧气的神态。Another kind of type is to bear the child that bully truly, although he also grows complaint homeward sometimes, but more it is to show woebegone, crestfallen bearing.