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但是我纠结了。But I am worried.

以斯顿担心吗?Is Easton worried?

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是的,我们很担心。Yes, we are worried.

我们应该担心吗?Should we be worried?

别那么担心Don't be worried here.

他有一副困恼的样子。He has a worried look.

你应该担心吗?Should you be worried?

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不过卡卡并不担心。But Kaka isn’t worried.

但我们不需要担心。We needn't have worried.

实在咱们不须要慌。We needn't have worried.

他们看起来很着急。They looked very worried.

好的,我担心这个。Good. I was worried there.

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他显得忧烦,且带有病色。He looked worried and ill.

她本不需要担心的。She need not have worried.

我是个担心的赞成者。I'm a pro at being worried.

我们全家都很担心。My whole family is worried.

你为合看起来这么愁眉苦脸的?Why do you look so worried?

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你为死亡感到忧虑吗You're worried about dying?

因此我们需要关注下。bug So be worried about it.

我勉强喝下一杯茶。I worried down a cup of tea.