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公众对丑闻总是喜闻乐道。The public have an insatiable appetite for scandal.

现在他们漫游地球,跟随一个永不知足的旅行热潮。Now they roam the Earth, following an insatiable wanderlust.

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答案是他为人民谋福利的无限渴望。The answer is his insatiable desire to keep being productive.

女士们,请接受这一点,男人对性是贪得无厌的。Ladies, accept it, men have an almost insatiable appetite for sex.

我渴望获得尽可能多的知识,是老师激发起了我这个不能满足的欲望。They easily arouse my insatiable desire to take in as much as I can.

有没有觉的越是迁就一个人,那个人就越是得寸进尺。There is no sense more to accommodate a person, that person is more insatiable.

在这些影片中,食人鱼非常喜食人肉。In these films, the fish have an insatiable appetite for human flesh exclusively.

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出乎意料地,西科里拉突然无休止地渴望听钢琴音乐。Out of the blue, Cicoria got this sudden, insatiable urge to listen to piano music.

撇开他那永无休止的流浪欲望,Roellinger依然能在他自己的后院里找到天堂。Despite his insatiable wanderlust, Roellinger still finds paradise in his own backyard.

绝地与共和国再次联合在一起阻止了西斯永无止境的征服欲望。Again, the Jedi and Republic banded together to stop the insatiable Sith lust for conquest.

罪,就象那只布谷鸟,有着贪婪无比的胃口,并且它极力要抢夺我们的生命。Sin, like the cuckoo bird, has an insatiable appetite, and it tries to take over our lives.

他们对产品,尤其是像苹果之类的“西方牌子”,变得贪得无厌。Their hunger for products, particularly ‘Western brands’ such as Apple, appears insatiable.

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我总是听不够人们讲故事,他们没讲到的部分,我就自己编出来。I had an insatiable love of hearing people tell stories and what they didn't tell, I made up.

从治学态度来看,学生要有学而不厌和学贵有恒的精神。From his scholarly attitude of the students have Insatiable and the immutability of your spirit.

保持永不满足的好奇心,多问为什么,这是富有创造性生活永不枯竭的源泉。To maintain an insatiable curiosity, ask why, this is creative and inexhaustible source of life.

可以肯定的是不到一个星期莱姆布莱萨的胃口就恢复了。And, sure enough, within a week Ramprasad's appetite returned, insatiable and insistent as before.

吉拉德说中国人对黄金投资不断增长的需求只会推高黄金价格。Fitz-Gerald says insatiable Chinese demand can do nothing but continue to drive gold prices higher.

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然而,一旦患儿长到几周岁以后,他们将拥有一个难以想象的胃口。However, once Prader-Willi children get to be a few years old, they develop an insatiable appetite.

我刚才在新闻周刊里看到一篇文章里说许多小国家的官员都贪得无厌。eg. I just saw there is an article in Newsweek that many officials in many countries are insatiable.

自己会尽本身地最快速度顺应各项工作,不耻下问,不用在乎自己曾获得什么,请存眷自己地将来!I'll do my work, to the fastest speed, no matter what I have insatiable what, please pay attention to my future!