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仍旧比那些假新闻更可信。Still more believable than Faux News.

她的解释听起来的确可信.Her explanation certainly sounded believable.

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他曾当过兵这一事实是可信的。The fact that he once joined the army is believable.

你和你的点子必须可靠且可信。You, and your idea, have to be believable and trustworthy.

不可只因说者看似可信,就信以为真。Do not believe just because the speaker appears believable.

我们先设定Ivan,Ilyich是个完全可信的例子。Now,I take it that we find Ivan Ilyich a perfectly believable example.

但是,在WKP下,即使是陈述也要是有逻辑的,可信的。But, for the WKP, even the exploration has to be logical and believable.

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这部影片是一部真正的“作者影片”,风格冷冽却完全真实可信。The film is a real piece of authorship, chilling yet entirely believable.

文章很棒,作为医生,我的经验告诉我这些经历完全可信。Fantastic read, and all too believable given my experiences as a physician.

其实制片人缺乏的是可信的人物和真实的对白。What filmmakers have lacked is believable characters and realistic dialogue.

我们需要修正汗衫和脖子上的光,以让他显得真实可信。We need to fix the shirt and neck lighting in order for him to be believable.

“口口相传比传统的广告营销更加可信,”法尔利先生说。“Word of mouth is more believable than traditional advertising,” says Mr Farley.

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我们都知道她是个很棒的喜剧演员,她会是一个靠谱的动作影星吗?We all know she is a great comedic actress, could she be a believable action star?

如果你观看这个节目并且看到了克莱默,这是非常可信的,我想这是真的。If you watch the show and you see Cramer, it's pretty believable. I think it's true.

是什么使它变得让我们相信,我们是自然而然身处于这种状态之中?What makes it believable as an account of, again, ? the condition we are naturally in?

Homefront尝试给玩家一个射杀数百人的可信理由。Homefront attempts to give the player a believable reason for shooting hundreds of people.

斯宾塞一周又一周的做着气势磅礴的表演,而且他的角色相当可信。Spencer gives a bravuraperformance week after week, and he is totally believable in the role.

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或许,这个问题需要留待新任领导人给出一个唯一的、具体的、可信的答案。Any new leader has to be able to answer that question in a single, concrete, believable phrase.

非常的纯净、无杂讯,令人完全信服,并呈现丰富细节之音乐性。Very pure and grain-free, and able to present a wealth of detail in a wholly believable manner.

只有你在你的社区建立了威信之后你才会变的可信。Your will become believable only after you have established trust among those in your community.