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偷走它的能量。Steal its energy.

偷他的穿梭机。Steal his machine.

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我试图溜进去。I tried to steal in.

像艺术家一样偷窃。Steal like an artist.

那么他没偷东西。So he didn't steal it.

我不会抢你的饭碗…I won't steal your job.

并偷赱一弍轻吻。And steal a kiss or two.

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事实上这是个特价品。Actually, this is a steal.

饥饿驱使他去偏巧。Hunger drove him to steal.

现在是偷书时间。It is time to steal books.

即使偷一根不值什么钱的针也是一种罪过。It is a sin to steal a pin.

偷东西与他的身份不相称。It misbecomes him to steal.

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这种酒真可谓岁月神偷。It's the steal of the year.

你竟敢偷车开!How dare you steal that car!

要抢穷人的饭碗,是吗?Steal a man's job, will you?

我看见那个男人偷的书。I saw the man steal the book.

他的窃盗罪名成立。He was proved guilty of steal.

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你胆敢偷我的花!How dare you steal my flowers!

我伪善得不会去偷窃。I am too goody-goody to steal.

怎么会有人要偷走胡迪呢?。Why would someone steal Woody?