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不要混日子。Don't dawdle away your time.

但你最好别浪费时间,还有很多事要做呢。But you'd best not dawdle , there's still much to do.

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老板告知工人不要磨洋工。The boss told the workers not to dawdle over their work.

别再吞吞地做作坐下己经9点了。Don't dawdle along your home work. It's already 9 o'clock.

这样的工作是多么的无聊,我觉得我在那里就是为了混日子的。This work is very boring, I think I was there to dawdle of.

老师告诉学生们别混日子。The teacher told the students not to dawdle away their time.

不要再在衣着上花费时间了,你已经够漂亮的了。Don't dawdle over your clothing. You're so beautiful already.

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他们不钻研技术,不精心业务,晚来早走混日子。They do not study technology, elaborate business, go late to dawdle.

你别慢吞吞地化妆,我们不想音乐会迟到。Don't dawdle over your makeup, we don't want to be late for the concert.

当然,如果是混日子的做法,那就只能做个拷贝者。Of course, if be the practice of dawdle , that can do a person that copy only.

史理公司的大客户能为其它行业采购大量的半加工的蘑菇。The big client of history grain company can purchase the dawdle of many half treatment for other industry.

一棵蘑菇最多也就3块钱,假如把它们切成5片、8片,它的价格便会翻几倍甚至几十倍。A dawdle is most also with respect to 3 money, if cut them 5, 8, its price can break up severalfold even a few times.

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我只好磨蹭呀,接着喝水、上厕所和吃东西找一切理由和妈妈做对,气的老妈对我大吵大叫。I had to dawdle ah, then drink water, toilet and eat find every reason and mother do right, gas of old mama Shouting at me.

不要浪费你的时间,不然你的头发会变白。你将会虚度光阴并且为之后悔。Don't dawdle away your time, or the young head will soon turn white. Then it will be in vain for you to moan and mourn for this.

如果他们吃早饭时磨磨蹭蹭,就在早饭前让他们刷牙梳头穿好衣服。If they have shown that they dawdle while eating breakfast then be sure to have them dress and brush their and hair BEFORE they eat their breakfast.

当你轻松的躺在沙发上,被他们的表演吸引的时候,你得先看看这份演员收入排行榜名单。As you dawdle on your couch and start yourself being magnetized by their shows, you will have to see and read this list first, as to how much they have earned this year.

此外,我还学习了域名、博客、主机方面的知识,因为我知道如果有必要的话我会二次搬家,但这次我会充满信心,不再像这次一样虚度光阴、庸人自扰。I have also increased my knowledge on domains, Wordpress and hosting. I know that if it were necessary I would move again, with confidence, and not dawdle and create uncertainty as I did this time.

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意大利史理公司是一个具有50年以上历史的有名的蘑菇商,在长长的年限中该公司的蘑菇经营于世界各地。Company of Italian history grain is a famous worry that has history of 50 years of above business, in growing senior fixed number of year the dawdle of this company is managed at world each district.