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加入香草香精和食盐。Add the vanilla and salt.

加香草香精,拌匀。Add vanilla essential, mix.

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装盘时配上香草冰激凌。Serve with vanilla ice cream.

香草精-兰科。Vanilla Extract— Orchidaceae.

打入一颗蛋,牛奶和香草精。Beat in 1 egg, milk and vanilla.

加入香草精、鸡蛋拌匀。Add vanilla and egg and mix well.

将牛奶和香草精混合并且拌匀。Add milk and vanilla and mix well.

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切好后可以配着香草冰淇淋吃。Cut and serve with vanilla ice cream.

那么我们都要香草冰淇淋。Vanilla icecre am for all of us then.

实际上还可以加香草粉。Actually they even have vanilla powder.

用香草精调味的冰淇淋。Ice cream flavored with vanilla extract.

关火,加入盐和香草。Take off heat, and add salt and vanilla.

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他过去常爱喝带香草味的牛奶。He used to love milk flavoured with vanilla.

洋李干、黑樱桃,以及一丝香草可可的香气。Prunes, black cherry, hints of vanilla cocoa.

巧克力与香草精味道不同。Chocolate and vanilla have different flavours.

牛奶、纯枫糖、还有香草冰激凌。Milk, pure maple syrup, and vanilla ice cream.

加入香草,将做好的巧克力酱淋倒在冰琪淋上。Stir in vanilla and pour sauce over ice cream.

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其橡木香夹杂了香草味和雪茄盒香味。The mixture of vanilla oak and cigar box aroma.

有宁檬、香草和苹果的香味。Attractive aromas of lemons, vanilla and apples.

而且,香草和白檀的回味悠长。Long lingering finish of vanilla and sandalwood.