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工人们在挖沟。The workers are dishing a gutter.

批评指责并不能改变一件事情。Dishing out criticism won’t change a thing.

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母亲在给孩子们分食物。Mother was dishing out food to the children.

你还想要超越什么?煮出美味的番茄汤我会很高兴吗?Would I be happy dishing out a hearty potato soup?

他们聊了一整天,尽聊些他们的同班同学的事儿。They talked all day long, dishing their classmates.

肮脏的食物是ITV1台的系列纪录片。Dishing the Dirt is a documentary series broadcast on ITV1.

萨利,别讲人家的闲话吧,那是很不体面的。Stop dishing the dirt, Sally. It's really quite unbecoming.

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我经常看到她和其他的女人在一起东家长,西家短地说人家的闲话。I often see her talking with other women and dishing the dirt about someone.

她出格喜欢说别人的闲话,是我们这出了名的长舌妇。She is a notorious gossiper here, who is very fond of dishing the dirt about others.

她特别喜欢说别人的闲话,是我们这出了名的长舌妇。She is a notorious gossiper here, who is very fond of dishing the dirt about others.

老板高兴了,他走遍全厂分发红包,与每个人握手。The boss is delighted, he's been all over the works dishing out bonuses and handshakes.

提出阀门自动复位装置及碟式制动器改造方案,实验表明该方案能抑制阀位漂移,满足泵站运行要求。The new-rebuilt plans for the automatic replacement device of the valve and dishing arrester are presented.

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同样原因,较大的平坦表面应稍拱起以避免在相反方向凹下。For this reason, any large, flat areas should be crowned convex to prevent dishing in the reverse direction.

希腊需要透明的、公平的规则,但是政客们不会热心地去支持这种会触犯他们利益的规则。Greece needs transparent and impartial rules, but politicians are not keen to limit the scope for dishing out favours.

此外,我们往往以解决问题的姿态出现,很快提出我们的意见,可他们真正需要的可能只是我们的倾听。In addition, we often act as problem-solvers, dishing immediate advice, when all they need is for us to listen to them.

介绍了ULSI多层铜互连线中的碟形坑问题,对其产生的原因及影响因素进行了分析。Dishing problem of copper multilayer interconnection in ULSI was introduced, and the reasons and influencing factors were analyzed.

昨天我们邀请你预测当奥斯卡颁发四大奖项时,评委们将更倾向于谁。Yesterday we invited you to predict which way the Academy would swing when it came to dishing out Oscars in the big four categories.

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还想雇些高中生在主题公园工作,来装个蛋筒冰激凌,做清扫卫生之类的工作。It also wanted high schoolers available to work at theme parks dishing up snow cones and sweeping the grounds after all those visitors.

贝法尔问他们,团队成员认为这位员工最擅长做什么。Behfar says she asked them what the team members thought this employee was good at, and they said he had a talent for dishing out criticism.

腰带拔罐,也被称为凹陷,特点是由无意的横向凹或凸的皮带在整个皮带宽度抛出。Belt cupping, also called dishing, is characterized by an unintentional transversal concave or convex belt dishing over the whole belt width.