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司机倒车时撞著了路边石。The driver bumped the kerb while reversing.

司机倒车时撞着了路边石。The driver bumped the kerb while reversing.

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她迈下路沿为的是逃离他。She had stepped off the kerb to escape from him.

摔倒时额头碰在了路边镶边石上。He hit his forehead against the kerb when he fell.

他摔倒时额头碰在了路边镶边石上。He hit his forehead against the kerb when he fell.

车在马路边停下,开车人下了车。The car drew up at the kerb and the driver got out.

我从台阶上走下来一个汽车的人差点把我撞倒。I step off the kerb and a cyclistnearly knocks me down.

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在雾中他用手杖摸索街道的镶边石。In the fog he felt for the kerb with his walking stick.

看上去是你撞上了路肩,在外侧跑得太开。It looked like you hit a kerb and went wide on the outside.

比较「在马路边」及「在行车线中间」踏单车哪一处较安全。A comparision between riding "near the kerb" and "taking the lane".

我们在整场比赛中要经常使用路肩,所以赛车调校非常重要。We use a lot of kerb throughout the race, so car set-up is very important.

这条道路得名于这些树木,它们沿两边的路缘间隔均匀地排列着。The trees which gave the road its name stood at regular intervals along the kerb.

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“我看见有个海军模样的人站在滑铁卢路的人行道上”。Seeing a man, a navvy or something of the kind, standing on the kerb in the Waterloo Road.

他四处扫视,认出了一个在路缘旁边等人的老年妇女,走过去问候她。He glanced around and recognized an old lady waiting by the kerb side and went over to greet her.

接着我不知道发生了什么事情,但是我的赛车失控,卡在了路肩上,情况就是这样。Then I don't know quite what happened but I lost the car and got stuck on the kerb and that was it.

第59圈的时候发生了什么,你在那里失去了几秒钟的时间?看上去是你撞上了路肩,在外侧跑得太开。What happened on lap 59 when you lost a couple of seconds? It looked like you hit a kerb and went wide on the outside.

你能告诉我们是否因为马萨在弯角中上了太多的路肩而两次收到FIA的警告?Can you confirm that you received two warnings from the FIA because of Massa taking too much kerb through the chicanes ?

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我们所谓的房屋买家让我们写下书面允许,确保他们可以把房子边的路边石弄平。Our so-called buyer wants to know if we've got written evidence of permission for the kerb outside our house to be lowered.

车辆的重量最后路肩预计将大约四千二百七十七英镑,大约277英镑超过DB9跑车它的基础。The vehicle's final kerb weight is expected to be somewhere around 4,277 pounds, about 277 pounds more than the DB9 coupe on which it is based.

比赛最艰难的部分是要应付高温,还有要专心不能犯错,因为这里非常容易压多路肩。The hardest elements in the race were dealing with the heat and concentrating not to make any mistakes, as it could be very easy to clip a kerb.