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自觉是人实践-认识活动的取向。Consciousness is the tropism of practice-cognition.

本文最后提出了实施这一价值取向的原则要求。At last, I put forward the principle on implementing the value tropism.

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生活性道德教育是现代道德教育的价值取向。The life characteristic was the value tropism in modern moral education.

目的了解SARS病毒的组织嗜性和宿主趋向性。Objective To study the host range and tissue tropism of SARS coronavirus.

有关人参归经理论问题还有待进一步商榷。The theory question of ginseng's channel tropism should be further discussed.

在实践层面,这一价值取向往往受到政治逻辑的制约。This value tropism that has a restrict ingredient in the politics logic on sometimes.

公共政策的价值取向问题是公共政策分析的基础理论问题。The value tropism of public policy is the basic theory question of public policy analysis.

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唯一已知引起人致病的细小病毒是B19,其对红祖细胞有嗜性。The only known human pathogenic parvovirus , B19, has a tropism for erythroid progenitor cells.

这一价值取向具有丰富而深刻的内涵,为我们树立了理想追求的楷模和典范。This tropism is blessed with rich and deep connotation and sets us an example and model of our ideality.

它的价值取向在于实现当事人之间以及当事人与社会之间的双重利益平衡。Its value tropism is to implement the balance of duple benefit among parties and parties and also the society.

归经是指药物对机体某一部分的选择性作用。传统归经理论主要以临床疗效为归经依据。Channel tropism refers to the theory that relates the therapeutic action of drugs to a certain parts of the body.

最后,分析了法律文化价值取向对企业并购法律制度的潜在影响。Finally but not the last, value tropism of legal culture in this country has the latency impact on this mechanism.

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寻求真实和保障人权的结合将成为新刑事证据规则的价值取向。The combination to seek for trueness and protect the human right is the value tropism of Criminal evidence system.

其次,对制定我国行政程序法典所应采取的目标模式和价值取向进行了探讨。Second, exploring the objective mode and merit tropism of constituting administrative procedures code in our country.

番鸭呼肠孤病毒对肝脏、盲肠、脾脏的组织嗜性最强,表明该病毒的主要靶器官为这三种组织。The most strongly tissue tropism of MDRV was Liver, Cecum and Spleen, and these tissues were the target organs of MDRV.

双寡头垄断是我国当前移动通信市场的格局。The three-oligarch monopolization will maybe the regulatory reformation tropism of Chinese mobile communication market.

在人才测评的理论、方法论及具体方法的背后,隐含着现代心理学基本范式的取向。Behind the practice, theories and methods of assessment of the talents, there is a tropism of modern psychology paradigm.

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辅导中系统思想的引入、积极取向的气氛对同伴关系辅导有特殊的效果。The introduced systematic idea and the atmosphere of positive tropism have special effect on peer relationship counseling.

结构主义文论的文本研究取向正好可以弥补我国文学理论批评在文本研究方面的缺失和不足。The tropism of context study in structuralism just makes up the gap existing in the context study in Chinese context study.

目的探讨水乐维他对严重烧伤病人白细胞趋向性及吞噬功能的影响。Objective To investigate the effect of soluvit for white blood cells tropism and phagocytic power in severe burned patients.