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它也被称为无风险获利。It is also known as a " riskless profit".

没有风险的钱要比有风险的钱好。Riskless money is better than risky money.

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如果某个资产存在无风险的超额利润,就会产生套利行为。If an asset has riskless super profits, there is arbitrage opportunity in the market.

这是一种冒险的交易,因为如果他们按时发布,我们没有损失。That was kind of a riskless trade because if they filed on time, we hadn't paid anything.

在最后,最终的步骤是找出一条,穿过无风险收益率的切线。Then finally, the final step is to find what is the tangency line that goes through the riskless rate.

它可能存在一定的风险,但在金融学上,我们忽略其风险,将政府债券看作无风险。It probably has some risk, but the way we approximate things in finance, we take the government as riskless.

当你明确了这些参数后,就可以算出没有无风险资产情况下的,有效边界了。Once you've got them together, then you can compute the efficient portfolio frontier without the riskless asset.

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如果今天的汇率水平和远期合同中的汇率水平是一样的,那么就有机会得到无风险的收益。If exchange rates today were the same as those in forward contracts, there would be an opportunity for riskless profit.

有些极度惧怕风险的人可能会说,我只想持有那些没有风险的资产,因为我压根就不想跟风险打交道。Somebody who is very risk averse could say, I want to hold only the riskless assets because I just don't like any risk at all.

由于泰得福德的投资重心是没有风险的美国国债,他唯一关注的问题就是联邦经济政策和通货膨胀前景。Because his focus is riskless U.S. government debt, Mr. Tedford's only concern is federal economic policy and the outlook for inflation.

假设我们信任政府-,假设美国政府从未拖欠债务-,可以把它当作无风险回报。Now, assuming that we trust the government-- I think the U.S. Government has never defaulted on its debt-- we'd take that as a riskless return.

确切地说,政府债券不再没有风险的临界点是很难确定的,因为它取决于诸多现行的错误观念。Exactly where the tipping point at which government bonds cease to be riskless is difficult to determine because it depends on prevailing misconceptions.

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然而,这种主要面向风险相对较低的国企的放贷模式意味着,培养适当的风险管理能力也就没什么必要了。But a model of lending primarily to relatively riskless state-owned companies means developing proper risk management capabilities isn't really necessary.

不同资产级别的折现回报率,尤其是银行同业借拆率,资产抵押商业票据以及次级债券对美国无风险短期国债的基差大辐升水。Interest rates on a wide range of asset classes, especially interbank lending, asset-backed commercial paper and junk bonds, rose sharply relative to riskless U. S.

如果我们可以查看各项资产的年度收益,我们可以找到一个零风险,且达到预期年度收益的资产项目-,也许是一年期的政府债券。If we have an annual return that we're looking at, we can find a completely riskless asset with an annual return-- it would be a government bond that matures in one year.

中国觉得将如此大的赌注压在曾经相对没有风险的全球储备货币的部分不仅安全,而且它的汇率政策还会给其留有选择的余地。Not only did China feel secure in placing such a large bet on the once relatively riskless components of the world's reserve currency, but its exchange-rate policy left it little choice.

有股票,债券和石油,我还想再增加最后一种资产,我们称之为无风险资产,由于长期债券持有期限很长,存在一定不确定性及风险。I have stocks, bonds, and oil but I want also to add one more final asset, we'll call it the riskless asset, long-term bonds are somewhat uncertain and variable because they're long-term.

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这就使得必须持有无风险资产以满足流动性要求的银行们松了口气,因为这意味着它们可以持有较疲软国家的主权债务。This induced banks that were obliged to hold riskless assets in order to meet their liquidity requirements to earn a few extra basis points by loading up on the weaker countries’ sovereign debt.

相切意味着斜率相同,它与包含风险资产的有效边界,交与一点,而包含无风险资产的,有效边界,则是一条过切点的直线,切点在这里。Tangent means that it has the same slope, it just touches the efficient portfolio frontier for risky assets at one point, and the slope of the efficient portfolio frontier, including the riskless asset, is a straight line that goes through the tangency point, here.