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这就是比基尼环礁。This is the Bikini Atoll.

这就是比基尼环礁。bikiniThis is the Bikini Atoll.

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于是1979年三月,第一所学校在南米拉杜卢岛成立。The first was opened in South Miladhunmadulu Atoll in March 1979.

里尔德以比基尼岛来命名他的发明,故称之为比基尼。Reard called his creation the bikini, named after the Bikini Atoll.

以印度太平洋珊瑚礁为主题的海洋馆,是旅客必到之热点。The Aquarium features Atoll Reef from pacific is a must see of tourists.

阿杜甘是在环礁岛国马尔代夫最大的岛屿。Gan is the largest island in Addu atoll in the island nation of Maldives.

阿杜环礁是几乎完全覆盖着芭蕉树和盛开的灌木丛。Addu atoll is almost completely covered with banana trees and bushes in bloom.

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美国在西太平洋珊瑚礁埃尼威托克岛试爆第一颗氢弹。At Eniwetok Atoll , in the Pacific, the USA detonated the first hydrogen bomb.

“碓臼峪自然风景区”在明十三陵西北约4公里处。"Atoll acetabular valley Natural Beauty" at the Ming Tombs about 4 km northwest.

马尔代夫胜利是一个刚刚下班的机场岛在北马累环礁有趣的网站。Maldives Victory is an intriguing site just off the Airport Island in the North Malé Atoll.

这张太空照片是其最西边的马太瓦环礁的图像。This astronaut photograph features Mataiva Atoll, the westernmost atoll of the Tuamotu chain.

400mm镜头拍摄出的南太平洋中的美丽的珊瑚环礁。Beautiful atoll in the South Pacific through a 400mm lens. About 1200 miles south of Honolulu.

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法国已经在南太平洋的穆鲁罗瓦环礁进行了地下核爆。France has carried out an underground nuclear explosion on Mururoa Atoll in the South Pacific.

朗格拉普环礁并无公开的证据表明这里存在污染生态环境的放射性化合物。Rongelap Atoll bears no outward evidence of the radioactive compounds that pollute its habitat.

马累马尔代夫首都,位于这个岛国的主环礁岛马累上。人口46,334。The capital of the Maldives, on Male, the chief atoll of the island country. Population, 46, 334.

保护区将覆盖玛丽安娜岛、巴尔米拉环礁和罗斯环礁周边的珊瑚礁、岛屿和海洋。Reefs, islands, and the ocean around the Mariana Islands, Palmyra Atoll and Rose Atoll will be covered.

美国在太平洋中部绍尔群岛的埃尼威托克环礁爆炸第一颗氢弹。United states detonated her first hydrogen bomb at eniwetok atoll in the marshall islands in mid-pacific.

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礁体多为圆形或椭圆形,大礁套小礁,环礁围着风平浪静的泻湖。Reef for more than round or oval-shaped, large sets of small reef reefPlain sailing around the atoll lagoon.

如今,巡逻船明令禁止在潟湖和环礁半径12海浬范围内捕鱼。Now, coast guard vessels enforce a fishing ban within the lagoon and within a 12-nautical-mile radius around the atoll.

尽管这里的环礁损失了很多珊瑚,但依然有大量的草食鱼类通过清理珊瑚礁来帮助它们复苏。Although the atoll lost many corals, it kept an abundance of grazing fish that help reefs recover by keeping them clean.