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雨从树间滴下。The trees drip rain.

这就是鼻后滴涕。This is post-nasal drip.

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感到不适时,我就往外滴。When I'm not well, I drip.

你看见有渗水咖啡粉没有?。Do you see any drip coffee?

滴在载玻片上。Drip on glass slice of year.

我病了,需要打吊瓶。I'm sick, in need of an IV drip.

滴漏式咖啡,液体7盎司,115-175毫克Drip coffee, 7 fl oz., 115-175 mg

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茅檐下的雨水,一滴一滴的落到衣上来。A drip of water fell from the tap.

血开始从羊鼻子里滴出来。Blood began to drip from its nose.

当我把汤汁洒得衣服上到处都是。When I drip gravy all over my clothes.

然后缓慢地滴到这儿的。C And then you slowly drip into C here.

然后,点滴里的药劲儿开始过去。Then something in the drip began to wane.

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蜡烛的蜡油会滴到人们的衣服上。The candle wax will drip on people clothes.

从排气口处必须没有水持续滴漏。Water must not drip continuously from vent.

一束红玫瑰花散发出浓郁的芳香。A bunch of red roses drip their golden scent.

滴灌和渗灌系统一般也用于盆栽灌水。Drip or ooze systems are common for pot watering.

滴灌和渗灌系统一般也用于盆栽灌水。Drip or ooze systems are common for pot watering.

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那个病人动过手术后就打点滴。The patient is put on a drip after her operation.

为烤架预热,使用油滴盘。Prepare grill for indirect heat, using a drip pan.

除非偶碰到鬼气了滴。Unless having occasionally met damned breath drip.