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这病人体力渐减。The patient is diminishing in strength.

IE6全球用户正在稳定减少中。IE6 is steadily diminishing in usage worldwide.

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边际收益递减像摘苹果。Diminishing marginal returns are like pickingapples.

使用M86切割&抛光剂能减少微粒吗?。Does M86 Cut &Polish utilize a diminishing abrasive?

冰链术是否将受死骑练级天赋到递减效果影响?Will Chai of Ice ever be subject to diminishing retur ?

再有一种减少责任的办法就是匿名。And yet another way of diminishing responsibility is anonymity.

然而,他认为,许多已经达到了收益递减点。Yet he believes many have reached a point of diminishing returns.

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减少责任的另一种方法就是,接受命令。Another way of diminishing responsibility is you could accept orders.

燕麦和芜菁的种植数量也比较可观,但目前正在减少。Oats and turnips are grown in appreciable but diminishing quantities.

更重要的是,自从温室气体并没有显示更减少。And more, since greenhouse gas emissions show no signs of diminishing.

对权力的胃口远未缩小,身受磨难反而激发了这种胃口。Far from diminishing the appetite for power, suffering exasperates it.

她认为自己的收益递减点差不多刚好是40个小时。She calculates 40 hours as almost exactly her point of diminishing returns.

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我们知道氟化物在降低蛀牙危险方面卓有成效”。We know fluoride has a great track record in diminishing the risk of decay.

同时,乘客的体验也随着运力的削减而转移。What is shifting along with diminishing capacity is the passenger experience.

镁元素主要分布于晶界,起到细化晶粒的作用。Mg is mainly dispersed to crystal interface for diminishing crystal particles.

这个过程是无止境的,可是这违背了报酬递减律。This process is never completed, but it disobeys the law of diminishing returns.

在昨晚的电视讲话中,奥尔默特说,哈马斯的力量正在减弱。In a televison address last night, the Olmert said Hamas's power was diminishing.

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于是葡萄酒的天然酸度就被降低,其生长的后劲力量也被削弱。The natural acidities of the wines dropped away, diminishing their staying power.

文章误解了这个研究。这个研究的主要观点是回报下降。This article misinterprets the study. The study's main point is DIMINISHING RETURNS.

但这种影响在下降,边际效应递减模型可以解释这种下降趋势的必然性。Diminishing marginal returns can account for the inevitability of the downward trend.