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生活是艰困的。Life is difficult.

它们是困难重重。And difficult they are.

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狄克故意在找别人的麻烦。Dick is being difficult.

他是个不好管的孩子。He is a difficult child.

非常难学。Very difficult to learn.

这个工作真难。This job is so difficult.

他作了一次艰难的攀登。He made a difficult climb.

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想要到崖宫是一件很困难的事。It is difficult to get to it.

爱是说不清、道不明的东西。Love is difficult to analyze.

但是它也很难学。but it's also very difficult.

那再尝试几个难的吧。Then, try some difficult ones.

这病真缠手。This is a very difficult case.

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一方有难八方支援。A difficult one P Plus support.

埃兹拉是位令人难以招架的孩子。Ezra was a very difficult baby.

给爱情下定义是很难。It is difficult to define love.

登山是困难的事。Mountain-climbing is difficult.

二是饮水难。Second, the water is difficult.

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难道我不会后悔吗?Difficult way I can't penitence?

他是一个难接近的人。He is a man difficult of access.

勤则万事易,懒则万事难。All things are difficult to sloth