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我们叫做推理队。We call it the inference team.

我以为任何推断都不能成立。I submit that no inference is true.

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部分问题可通过推断得到答案。Inference provides some of the answers.

他的推论把整个事情弄糟了。His inference bollix dup the whole deal.

因此,这是一个最佳解释推理Hence, inference to the best explanation.

如果他有罪,可推断出她也有罪。If he is guilty then by inference so is she.

⑸命题逻辑推理理论。Inference of ⑸ propositional logic is academic.

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隐喻和转喻是自然的推理图式。Metaphor and metonymy are natural inference schemas.

此判断与地震测深的结果一致。This inference is coincident with deep seismic sounding.

谁来影响闽南语区域的消费者?Who is going to inference Minnan dialect region consumers?

这叫作“比量触知智”。" This is called "knowledge of comprehension by inference.

这可以作为一个,最佳解释推论的例子It would be an example of "Inference to the best explanation."

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我们认为那种情况唯一可以推断的便是因果关系。We think that the only ground of such an inference is causation.

然而,在其它两种可能性里,他则作出了错误的推论。In the other two cases, however, he has made an error in inference.

这个推断是谬误的没有合理的证据支持它。This inference is fallacious without reasonable evidence to support it.

你会说,“它真的依靠于一个意图的干预。You would say, "It really does depend on the inference of an intention.

最佳解释的推论,并不仅仅是关于灵魂的一个论证Inference to the best explanation" is not a single argument for the soul.

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“波莉,”我抱怨道,“别打岔,这一推论是错误的。"Polly, " I groaned, "don't derail the discussion. The inference is wrong.

结构映射过程和类比映射过程的推论都是在系统性的指导下进行的。And like structural mapping, its inference is guided by systematicity as well.

法官适用法律中主要运用演绎推理或三段论推理。The application of law mainly uses deductive inference or syllogism inference.