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我经常都打嗝。I can burp on command.

不要这么大声打嗝,那样不礼貌。Don’t burp so loud. It’s not polite.

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在餐桌上打嗝是很不礼貌的。It is impolite to burp at the table.

再喝啤酒的时候,尽可能大声的打饱嗝。When drinking beer, burp as loudly as you can.

用叉子。别打饱嗝儿,不然我要对你不客气了。Use your fork. Do not burp or I'll set you straight.

他们总是两支轻机枪。主要是部署得当。They had two burp guns only but they were set up good.

和打嗝,像旧衣服,因为他们是舒适。And burp , like old clothes because they are comfortable.

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第三,我国学研合作政策的现状及存在问题。The third part analyses the state and problem about BURP policy.

你最终会失去你的声音,因为你呕吐和打嗝这麽多。You'll end up losing your voice because you puke and burp so much.

不要在乎餐桌礼仪,嘴里塞满食物时尽可以说话、打嗝。Don't worry about table manors. Talk with your mouth full of food. Burp.

从孩子刚刚会打饱嗝时起,我们便开始观察他们的面部表情。We start by learning what our babies` faces look like when they need to burp.

吃饭时不要做些像打嗝或将肉汁倒在手指上与其他一些滑稽的事情。Never do silly things like burp or pour gravy on your fingers or something silly.

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用饭时不要做些像打嗝或将肉汁倒在手指上与其他一些滑稽的工作。Never do silly things like burp or pour gravy on your fingers or something silly.

如果你想使婴儿打嗝你就揉擦其背部以帮助排出胃中闷气。If you burp a baby you rub its back gently to help air to come out of its stomach.

不像一些东亚国家,在西方,打嗝也被认为是一种不好的行为。Unlike in some other parts of East Asia, it is also considered bad manner to burp.

你没听过我因为晚上需要摸黑爬起帮他拍背打嗝说过半句怨言吧?You don't see me complaining about getting up in the middle of the night to burp him.

此外,动物打嗝、放屁时会产生另一种危险的温室气体--甲烷。Animals produce methane , which is another dangerous greenhouse gas, when they burp and fart.

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在这个文化里餐后打嗝儿是礼貌的,可表达欣赏及对厨子的感谢。In this culture it is polite to burp after a meal to express appreciation and thanks to the cook.

教导员来检查班里的训练情况,雷远此时不合时宜地打了一个嗝。The instructor to monitor the training of the class, LeiYuan ill-timed played a burp at this time.

科学家们担心,全球变暖正在使得另外一次致命的海洋“打嗝”条件趋于成熟。Scientists are worried that global warming is making conditions ripe for another deadly ocean burp.