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这边是我们的主看台。This side is our grandstand.

咱们的座位在正面看台。Our seats are in the grandstand.

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票的位子也不错,在正面看台。It's a good seat in the grandstand.

女士们通常都坐在正面看台。Ladies usually sit in the grandstand.

他把球打到看台上去了。He swiped the ball into the grandstand.

那我们为什么要坐在正面看台呢?Then why are we sitting in the grandstand?

票挺不错,都是大看台的座票。They are good ones, too. For the grandstand.

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一位愤怒的球员将他的球拍踢向了看台。A furious player kicked his racket into the grandstand.

正面看台没有太阳,是有顶棚的。There is no sun in the grandstand. It's completely covered.

二层则设有看台区,并配备专门的休息室。The second floor includes a grandstand area and lounge area.

球场的观众区与比赛区被挡板隔开了。The grandstand and the match place are segregated by baffles.

这儿有一张多出来的票,这是正面看台的好位子。Here's a ticket and to spare. It's also a good seat in the grandstand.

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赛道在一个顶点直接从正面看台下面穿过。The circuit also passes directly underneath a grandstand at one point.

就在观众正要离场的时候,那个精彩表演引起了他们的注意。The grandstand play caught attention of the crowd just as they were leaving.

看台上的男士都身着泡泡纱西服,配着背带和西服袋巾。The grandstand was filled with men in seersucker suits, braces and pocket squares.

主看台满是穿着绉条布衣服、背带裤、佩戴装饰方巾的男士们。The grandstand was filled with men in seersucker suits, braces and pocket squares.

肯.芬达说在她坐的看台上,她也看到飞机向她横冲直撞过来Kim Fonda said she also saw the plane disrespect toward where she was seated in the grandstand.

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他看看西边跑马厅高楼上的大钟,还只有九点四十分。He looked up at the clock above the grandstand and saw that it was still only twenty minutes to ten.

但是那天,当我看了给我的母亲在正面看台,我可能看在她的眼睛的失望。But that day when I looked to my mother in the grandstand , I could see the disappointment in her eyes.

他在白宫前面的看台上检阅了部队。He held a presidential review of the troops from a flag-draped grandstand built in front of the White House.