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经理需要时间来审慎考虑我们的提案。The manager needs time to mull over our proposals.

但谁会有时间仔细琢磨这种天性之特征呢?But who has time to mull over things of this nature?

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对此经过深思熟虑之后,我试着回答“真的存在女教皇若安吗?”Mull over this story and try to decide, ” Was there a Pope Joan?

眼内炎回声杂乱,视网膜增厚或伴有脱离。Endophthalmitis displays mull echoes, retinal thickened or detached.

但是如果你哪怕有一丁点儿的迟疑,一定要花时间好好想想。But if you have even the slightest doubt, take the time to mull it over.

我们往往费煞思量,不容错过任何线索。We may mull things over and over in our minds to see if we've missed a clue.

哲学使你对一切发问,仔细考虑过后,得出你自己的结论。Philosophy makes you question everything, mull it over and come to your own conclusions.

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它们并不会坐在迷笼里,思索问题,然后找到解决的方法。They don't sit in the box for a while and mull it over and then figure out how to do it.

我没有任何明显的密切父亲女儿回忆来坚持和寻思,哭泣了。I didn't have any obvious close father-daughter memories to cling to and mull and cry over.

苦日子随即而来,因为他无事可做,于是有时间将整个过程思考了一遍。Bitterness came easily to him and, since he had nothing to do, he had time to mull it all over.

如果想要加一条书签,把它粘在缎带和纱布之间,留大约2英寸的长度。If you want a bookmark, glue it down the spine about 2 inches between the mull and the headbands.

通常当你对整个过程深思熟虑时,灵感会迸发出来,因此一定不要把这些灵感浪费了。Typically as you mull these things over, inspiration strikes once, so make sure you don't waste it!

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移开重物,把多余的边折进去,在新放的纱布上再涂一些胶水。Takings off the weight quickly, I folded the edges in and put the new layer of mull on followed by more glue.

在他对向土地审裁处上诉作准备时有机会仔细考虑这一问题,他希望土地审裁处今年能受理他的上诉。He can mull that question while he readies his appeal to the Lands Tribunal, which he hopes will be heard this year.

他不容让诱惑的思想在脑海中盘旋,也拒绝与波提乏的妻子调情作乐。He did not mull the seduction over in his mind. He did not flirt with the idea of fun and games with Potiphar's wife.

然而如果我们能给自己的情绪按个“暂停”,给自己时间好好思考的话,很多危机就可以被避免了。Yet if we just press the "pause" button on our emotions, taking time to mull over our choices, many crises can be defused.

胶水稍干之后我就放上第一层纱布,把它按进去,然后加上第二层。Once the glue became tacky I grabbed my first layer of mull and rubbed it in, then added another layer of glue ontop of that

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据马尔说,在将于纽约召开的下一次会议上,美国还将推动更多的国家对海盗进行起诉。At the group’s next meeting in New York, the United States also will push more countries to prosecute pirates, according to Mull.

最佳美景街道的强力竞争者包括牛津的新学院巷、第一大道、马而岛的托巴莫利大街和巴斯的皇家新月大道。Strong contenders for the Most Picturesque Street include New College Lane in Oxford, Main Street, Tobermory in Mull and Royal Crescent in Bath.

而美联储官员思忖挹注金融体系更多资金的成本和利弊,无疑是全球关注的重点.The global backdrop will no doubt be on Federal Reserve officials' minds as they mull the costs and benefits of pumping more money into the financial system.