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中等的小麦是为喂养奶牛而挑选出来的。Wheat middling was the chosen grain for feeding milk cows.

到中后期,这两种技能开始向商人等中等阶层扩展。Later on, literacy gradually expanded in the middling order.

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他需要足够的糖和中等的甜麦。He was in need of an ample supply of sugar and sweet wheat middling.

大的不怕与小的同游,居中的却远而避之。The Great walks with the Small without fear. The Middling keeps aloof.

大的不怕与小的同油居中的却远避之。The great walks with the small without fear. The middling keeps aloof.

腺性膀胱炎2例均中度阳性表达。It is middling positive expression in 2 example of Glandulose cystitis.

九道湾地区已发现中型砂锡矿床。A middling placer deposit of tin has been discovered in Jiudaowan district.

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请报德克萨斯州产中等棉花50包、11月份交货的最低价格是多少?At what lowest price can you quote for 50 bales middling Texas cotton for November?

所用煤种包括高硫原煤、低硫原煤、中煤。The coals used included high-sulfur raw-coal, low-sulfur raw-coal and middling coal.

共和国初期新罕布什尔倒是出现过一些“中不溜的伟大”人物。There were some " middling -great" New Hampshire men in the early days of the republic.

少数几个中等质量的黑洞已经被发现了,但是科学家们还不能肯定它们是怎样形成的。Few such middling black holes have been discovered, and scientists aren't sure how they form.

许多人对小恩小惠给予回报,对一般的恩惠则表示感谢,但对大恩大德却忘恩负义。Most people return small favours, acknowledge middling ones, and repay great ones with ingratitude.

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本文侧重于对中小型水利工程施工质量的控制及评价方法进行了研究。It points out the problem of the quality control in the middling and minitype water conservancy Engineering.

笑闹中收拾了碗筷,各人都回了屋子去做准备。Smile to make middling tidied up a bowl of chopsticks, the everyones entire return to house to do preparation.

同时作了低等级小麦与中等小麦出粉效益分析。And the author makes a analysis of the flour milling benefit between low grade wheats and middling grade wheats.

另外,王朝公司所在的中高端市场正在面临国际洋品牌的竞争。In addition, Dynasty is faced with the competition from international brand in the middling and high level market.

研究了在中等土壤肥力水平下不同NPK配比对乌塌菜生长及产量品、质的影响。Effects of different NPK proportion on growth, yield and quality of Wuta-cai in middling soil fertility were studied.

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从居民收入来看俄罗斯是个中等国家,居民收入大约为意大利的一半,也面临人口迅速老龄化的问题。It is a middling country in terms of household income—roughly half of Italy’s—and also faces a rapidly aging population.

美国排在希腊之前,加拿大之后,一个中等的位置。此后的每次测试都是这个结果。The United States rang in somewhere above Greece and below Canada, a middling performance we've repeated every round since.

结果表明,在中等卫生学校普通文化课教学中实施分层教学,取得了良好的效果。The conclusions showed that stratified teaching of Culture Course have achieved good results in the middling health school.