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谁使用传统医学?Who uses traditional medicine?

传统的三股桥梁。Traditional three-unit bridges.

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蜘蛛香为一味传统的中药。It should be a traditional drug.

传统医学的安全性如何?How safe is traditional medicine?

这是以前常用的繁体字。Those are traditional characters.

这也是达斡尔族传统的体育项目。It is also a traditional Daur sport.

这是手工制作的,传统瓷器。It's hand-made, traditional lacquer.

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瓯绣是温州的一项传统工艺。Ou Embroidery is a traditional craft.

少一些让人讨厌的传统电话体验Less sucky traditional phone experience

我喜欢中国传统的弦索乐。I like Chinese traditional string music.

我以为韩国人很传统的。I thought Koreans were very traditional.

有人向我推荐一种中药护肤霜。Someone recommended a traditional cream.

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主妇用传统锅灶烧饭。Housewives cook with the traditional wok.

全球排名前20位传统生物能燃料使用国Top-20 users of traditional biomass fuels

你看,这就是达斡尔族的传统民居。You see this is a traditional Daur house.

在传统的意识中,名声就是浮云。Fame is fleeting in the traditional sense.

十八般兵器你都给我拿来。I'm good with all the traditional weapons.

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别像传统的蛋卷一样将给包上其两层封皮。Don't overpack like a traditional egg roll.

苏木是中药吗?Is brazilwood Chinese traditional medicine?

这是一个中国传统方式的婚礼。It was a traditional Chinese-style wedding.