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对这种人必须有外交手腕但又寸步不让。They had to be dealt with diplomatically but firmly.

好好利用告别的面谈,婉转的解释你的立场。Take advantage of exit interviews, and diplomatically explain your stance.

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这份报告措辞婉转,虽然在中国看来还远远不够。The report is diplomatically couched—though from China's perspective, not nearly enough.

我们不可以在军事部置就绪以前采取外交行动,不然,我们就会惹来一场灾难。We must not move diplomatically ahead of our military strength or we shall court disaster.

布什总统说,他和萨卡什维利讨论了如何通过外交途经解决这些争端。Mr. Bush says he and Mr. Saakashvili discussed how the dispute can be resolved diplomatically.

中国主张伊拉克问题在联合国框架内、通过外交手段政治解决。China maintains that the Iraqi question should be solved diplomatically within the UN framework.

他到现在为止还没有打满过一场联赛比赛,他对此做出了外交辞令的回答。Since he has yet to complete a single league match, he diplomatically talked around the question.

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“把最好的教练和最好的球员留在俱乐部里很重要,”切赫巧妙地回答道。"It's important to keep the best manager and best players at the club, " Cech says diplomatically.

你把自己的观点作一次简单陈述后,就与客户进入到有建设性意义的对话中去。Simply make your point once diplomatically and then enter into a constructive dialogue with your customer.

前国务卿贝克质疑赖斯,为何拒绝以外交手段与叙利亚往来。Former Secretary of State James A. Baker III took issue with Ms. Rice's refusal to engage Syria diplomatically.

对于这些问题,BBC的外交式答复是,“放一根意大利通心粉到番茄酱的罐头里面,然后就等着看结果吧。”To this query the BBC diplomatically replied, "Place a sprig of spaghetti in a tin of tomato sauce and hope for the best."

不过,即使相似,也仍然有不同之处。北韩与缅甸的最大差别就在于,仰光当局总是自称其恪守外交中立。One of the huge differences between Burma and North Korea is that Rangoon always has professed to be diplomatically neutral.

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“证交会周遭的世界真的改变了,而我觉得证交会并没有随之改变,”她现在以略为委婉的语气说。"The world really changed around the SEC, and I think the SEC didn't change with it, " she says now, somewhat diplomatically.

五角大厦发言人惠特曼星期二说,这一涉及美国海军监测船胜利号的事件将通过外交途径解决。Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said Tuesday that the incident involving the USNS Victorious will be addressed diplomatically.

五角大楼发言人惠特曼星期二说,这一涉及美国海军监测船胜利号的事件将通过外交途径解决。Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said Tuesday that the incident involving the USNS Victorious will be addressed diplomatically.

当问起从巴拉克·奥巴马早期的“痛苦经历”中学到什么时,卡麦隆玩起了外交沉默。Pressed to say what he has learned from Barack Obama’s early travails as American President, Mr Cameron is diplomatically reticent.

他召来手下一位十分精明的大臣阿尔让松伯爵,问他有没有办法圆滑的解决交通阻塞。Summoning one of his shrewdest ministers, Count d'Argenson, the king asked him whether he could diplomatically unsnarl the traffic jams.

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同时,中国必须继续探索战胜美国的其他手段,不论是军事手段还是外交手段。In the meantime it will have to continue exploring alternative avenues for rivalling the United States whether militarily or diplomatically.

语焉不详的说辞正好反映出中国与日本两国关系的敏感性,后者曾在占领中国时给中国带来了伤痛。The diplomatically vague language reflects the depth of Chinese sensitivity over relations with Japan, given the brutality of Japan's wartime occupation of China.

此外,美国针对巴博及该政权其他成员实施了各种限制及金融制裁,并致力于在外交上孤立他们。Additionally, the United States has imposed restrictions and financial sanctions against Gbagbo and other regime members and has worked to isolate them diplomatically.