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哇,好大的萝卜呀。Wow, good large radish.

这萝卜糠了。This radish has gone spongy.

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兔子吃青菜萝卜。Rabbits eat vegetables radish.

我不再是萝卜汤。I was no longer the radish soup.

我先把萝卜洗干净,切成丝。I put the radish wash clean, shred.

请来帮我,拔萝卜吧。Please help me, Pull up the radish.

她把萝卜刻成一朵花。She carved a flower out of a radish.

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这萝卜真大,这萝卜真重。The radish is big. The radish is heavy.

我非常喜欢这只萝卜做的红蚂蚁。I particularly like this radish red ant.

加芥末酱和小萝卜会很美味。It tastes great with mustard and radish.

罂粟花是用萝卜和灯笼椒制作而成的。Poppies. Made of garden radish and pepper.

什么是不能吃的白萝卜?What is with the white radish can not eat?

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花朵则用红萝卜和白萝卜制作完成。Flowers are made of radish and green radish.

噢!加芥末酱和小萝卜会很美味的。Oh, it tastes great with mustard and radish.

啊,放了芥菜和小萝卜好吃多了。Oh, it tastes great with mustard and radish.

萝卜小人参,常吃有精神。Radish and ginseng make people full of vitality.

我又用筷子夹了一块泡萝卜放进她嘴里。With my chopsticks, I put a radish pickle into her mouth!

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小白兔就吃掉了小萝卜,把大萝卜放在桌子上。The small white rabbit ate the radish radish, put on the table.

将牛蒡、白萝卜与胡萝卜洗乾净,去皮切大块。Wash burdock, radish and carrot. Peel and cut into large pieces.

蒜泥加酱油,也可配萝卜条等。Garlic Puree and soy sauce, can also be assigned, such as radish.