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轴带发电机?。Shaft generator?

传动轴带保护离合器。Cardan shaft with clutch.

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转向柱轴接合器过紧。Column shaft coupler binding.

夹于箭杆尾部。Clamps in the shaft rear part.

取下主轴螺帽和垫圈。Remove a shaft nut and washer.

中间轴及轴承。Intermediate shaft and bearing.

一下子他感到命运又向他投掷出一支矛枪。He felt fate throw another shaft.

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将轴承及护脂毡圈紧靠在卡环上。Shaft snap ring in groove on shaft.

代表非标准长度加长型之传动轴。Increases Length of The Drive Shaft.

这种笔的笔筒是足金的。The shaft of this pen is solid gold.

这口井几乎偏了30度角。The shaft inclines almost 30 degrees.

这口井几乎偏了30度角。The shaft inclines almost 30 degrees.

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轴上安装极轴镜,内部有40mm的导星镜。A. shaft and integral 40mm guide scope.

乘火车达到透风口找到柱状物体。Ride the train to the ventilation shaft.

她分了金矿,他得到的是茅杆。She got the gold mine, he got the shaft.

接下来,杆身直对着中间,双脚站宽。So from here, shaft straight, feet wide.

比常规杆更柔软的杆身。Whippy A shaft more flexible than normal.

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她分了金矿,他得到的是茅杆。C She got the gold mine, he got the shaft.

一片非常薄且有柔韧性的金属片。Flexibility, as in the shaft of a golf club.

精益集团,世界知名的轴供应商!Jingyi group , world famous shaft supplier !