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我觉得我们应该进行一次大扫除。I feel we ought to have a housecleaning.

别担心,下午我的朋友会过来帮着打扫房间的。Don't worry. My friends will come help with the housecleaning.

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但是我们也做了一些清理工作,先谈谈清理掉的那部分。But we're also doing a little housecleaning . More on that in a bit.

这些运动包括快走、做家务或者进行园艺劳作。That included things like brisk walking, housecleaning and gardening.

以这个速度看来,他们永远不会以家庭清洁赢得他们的童子军徽章。At this rate they won't earn their boy-scout's badge for housecleaning.

不久前,查理士·艾里克逊及其家人决定搞一次春季家庭用品的大清理。Not long ago, Charles Erickson and his family decided to do some spring housecleaning.

不久前,查理士·艾里克逊及其家人决定搞一次春季家庭用品的大清理。Not long ago, Charles Erickson and his family decided to do some spring housecleaning.

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她的责任包括清洁,鍡药,协助她洗浴。Her duties included housecleaning , administering medicine, assisting her to take a bath.

这是“超级妈妈清洁服务”。我打来是想跟你介绍一下我们的特别服务。This is Super Mom Housecleaning Service. I'm calling to tell you about our special services.

一个专业性的家务清理服务「快乐女佣公司」在最近几年已成长到有八百多家的连锁店。One professional housecleaning service, Merry Maids, has grown to over 800 franchises in recent years.

尽管如此,这还是引起了中国民用航空总局进行治理整顿。Nevertheless, it led to calls for a housecleaning at the Civil Aviation Administration of China, or CAAC.

清洗可以做简单的成分一样白醋,卡斯蒂利亚肥皂,小苏打和水。Housecleaning can be done with simple ingredients like white vinegar, castile soap, baking soda and water.

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第一,我们连续搞了两天卫生了,她感觉到很累,而我又没有让她停止学习。First, we continued to do the housecleaning for two days. She felt very tired and I didn't ask her to stop learning.

学习技巧,更有效地打扫房间的清洁在这个自由视频功能的专业清洁系列你家的房子。Learn housecleaning tips to more efficiently clean your home in this free video series featuring a professional house cleaner.

某种程度上这取决于本赛季结束之后谁是球队的主教练和总经理,球队的整顿已经不可避免。Part of that will depend on who is the team's coach and general manager after the inevitable housecleaning that will occur after the season.

学习去除地毯干漆和清洁技巧在此免费视频从一个地毯清洗公司的副总裁在大扫除。Learn to remove dry paint from carpets with cleaning tips from a vice president of a carpet cleaning company in this free video on housecleaning.