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这些田地又恢复成荒地。The fields have reverted to moorland.

他们已经仔细搜遍了其间绵延数英里的高沼地。They had scoured the intervening miles of moorland.

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我们走过大片景色单调的荒野。We crossed wide stretches of moorland without relief.

到英国去看荒原,似乎是个荒唐的主意。It seems like a crazy idea, going to Britain to see the moorland.

荒凉的旷野向四面伸展开去,一望无际。The bleak moorland stretched on all sides as far as the eye could see.

这片荒地覆盖着石块,杂草丛生,到处坑坑洼洼。This moorland is covering block, fireweed is fascicular, everywhere bumpy.

在达拉谟的鲍斯穆尔564英亩高沼地上,曾贮存有一万七千吨化学物质。At Bowes Moor in Durham, 17,000 tonnes of chemicals were stored on 564 acres of moorland.

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在达拉谟的鲍斯穆尔564英亩高沼地上,曾贮存有一万七千吨化学物质。At Bowes Moor in Durham, 17, 000 tonnes of chemicals were stored on 564 acres of moorland.

铁路线穿越各色的风景,从茂密的山谷到石楠花覆盖的高沼地。The railway passes through a variety of scenery, from wooded valley to heather clad moorland.

一头巨鹿死掉了,躺倒在地——在清冷雾蒙蒙的早上被一个神秘的猎手在荒野山谷中射死的。A magnificent stag lies dead – shot by a mystery stalker in the cold, misty dawn of a moorland valley.

斯韦尔代尔,在约克郡,荒地的溪流和点缀着石头谷仓的地方,也分享第五位。Swaledale, in Yorkshire, with its moorland streams and fields dotted with stone barns, also shared fifth place.

埃克斯穆尔高地英格兰西南康沃尔的一片荒野高原。它是一个受欢迎的旅游区,有著名的史前遗迹。A moorland plateau of Cornwall in southwest England. It is a popular tourist area with notable prehistoric ruins.

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我们时而路过一所沼地里的小房,墙和屋顶都是用石料砌成的,墙上也没有蔓藤掩饰它那粗糙的轮廓。Now and then we passed a moorland cottage, walled and roofed with stone, with no creeper to break its harsh outline.

本次大赛中,所有运动员需要跑过农场,穿过人行道,大荒地和柏油马路,因此吸引了大量的观众。The race takes competitors through farm tracks, footpaths, open moorland and tarmac and attracts thousands of spectators.

在到达不久后,他拜访了他的房东希斯克里夫先生,希斯克里夫先生住在遥远的高沼地上一个叫做呼啸山庄的农舍。Soon after arrival, he visits his landlord, Mr Heathcliff, who lives in the remote moorland farmhouse called "Wuthering Heights".

阿切尔默许了,她拨马沿纳拉甘塞特大街下行,横穿斯普林街后,又向远处多石的荒地驶去。Archer acquiesced, and she turned the ponies downNarragansett Avenue, crossed Spring Street and droveout toward the rocky moorland beyond.

此本小说,系以十八世纪末狂风呼啸的英国约克夏荒野为其沉郁背景,次第开展出具毁灭性爱恨情仇的动人故事。The story of doomed passions set against the gloomy background of the bleak, windswept Yorkshire moorland at the end of eighteenth century is its most noticeable characteristic.