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我看了一下潮水的路线。I look the way of tidewater.

风儿叩开我们的心扉,让爱如潮水般涌来。And open our hearts, let love emerge like tidewater.

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流波将月去,潮水带星来。The flow wave goes a month, tidewater band the star come.

当潮水退去的时候,才能发现谁在裸泳。When tidewater retire when, ability discovers who is naked swim.

人群象潮水般往两旁退开,露出一条小路。Each one go back out both sides as the tidewater emerge a small road.

这些边疆人与南方贵族截然相反。These frontier men were the precise opposites of the tidewater aristocrats.

海塘是抵御风浪潮的重要水利建筑,一旦失事会导致严重后果。Sea wall is a kind of important hydro-structure to defend against typhoon and tidewater.

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黑暗像潮水吞没几百亿个星球。向日葵大片枯死。候鸟成群结队地送葬。Darkness swallowed millions of planets like tidewater. Mass sunflowers withered, flocks of migratory birds attending the funeral.

法国农场主迁到南方的一些滩涂地带,加利福尼亚和西南部的移民则来自西班牙。There were French farmers in some of the South’s tidewater settlements while Spain provided settlers for California and the Southwest.

虽然下津井港近在眼前,但如果潮水和风向不对,船只便无法行驶。Although descending Jin well the harbor is near at at present, if tidewater moderate breezes to not to, the boats and ships then can not drive.

我曾安安稳稳地坐着普尔曼卧车,周游了衣阿华州和堪萨斯州那些昏暗凄凉的村镇以及佐治亚州那些乌烟瘴气的沿海渔村。Safe in a Pullman , I have whirled through the gloomy, Godforsaken villages of Iowa and Kansas, and the malarious tidewater hamlets of Georgia.

早在殖民地时期,当人们在海岸附近的殖民地里找不到更多的自由,他们便开始向内地推进。As early as in the colonial period , men seeking greater freedom the could be found in the original tidewater settlements had begun to push inland.

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当大量的信息像潮水般涌向人们时,传统人工处理信息的手段已经远远不足。When the large volume of information emerge people like tidewater , it is too deficiency to use tradition human professional to dispose the information.

“所有主要格陵兰冰川最终于海洋,冰川和潮水控制的90格陵兰排放入海的冰百分之,”利格诺特说。All major Greenland glaciers end up in the ocean, and tidewater glaciers control 90 percent of the ice discharged by Greenland into the sea, " Rignot said."

所谓潮音寺,寓意有观音菩萨庇护,潮水到来也只有化为梵音,消于无形。The so-called Chaoyin Temple means, under the protection of Kwan Yin, the incoming tidewater can only be transformed into the Brahma voice, and disappears invisibly.

春江潮水连海平,海上明月共潮生,花好月圆人团聚,祝福声声伴你行。The spring river’s tidewater connects sea even, the sea bright moon the total tide living, spending a good month a circle a person family reunion, blessing a voice companion, you go.

观潮小筑,这个由多学科设计小组设计的项目,是把创新性思维运用到风景园林中的典范。探讨了该项目植物设计的理念和手法,并从景观结构上进行了重点分析。Tidewater residence has been a good example with its innovation thinking. This paper is discussing ideas and techniques in the design of plants. Landscape structure is especially analyzed.