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杰伊•伯吉斯死了!Jay Burgess was dead.

博格斯深爱着沙漠。Burgess is in love with deserts.

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伯吉斯对他的插图更为紧张。Burgess was more nervous about his drawings.

两年以后,伯吉斯和麦克莱恩叛逃了。Two years later, burgess and maclean defected.

陪审员讨论案件的时候布吉斯被带走了。Miss Burgess is led away while the jurors discuss the case.

一个生态系统就是一个生物网络“,博格斯说。"An ecosystem is a network of living creatures, " says Burgess.

“平衡不仅仅是消失了,它还代表了死亡”,博格斯强调。"Equilibrium is not only dead, it is death," Burgess emphasizes.

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博吉斯博士说他希望在未来的几年里发现更多的。Dr. Burgess said he expected still more discoveries in the next few years.

伯吉斯之后的几十年完整的脑机产业应运而生。Burgess decades after the complete brain-computer industry came into being.

博格斯发现自然对侵扰和矛盾的依赖是个实际问题。Burgess finds nature's reliance on disturbances and variance to be a practical issue.

麦克莱恩叛逃之后,首先在美国指出了菲尔比。It was he who first fingered Philby in the USA after defection of Burgess and Maclean.

正是他在伯吉斯和麦克莱恩叛逃之后,首先在美国指出了菲尔比。It was he who first fingered philby in the usa after defection of burgess and maclean.

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早在监督任务控制录像机卡梅伦,由伯吉斯梅雷迪斯发挥。Back at Control supervising the missions was V. C. R Cameron, played by Burgess Meredith.

1993年,克里夫·伯吉斯55岁。他对自己的啤酒肚厌烦起来,立誓开始散步。Cliff Burgess – The Marathon Man1993. Cliff Burgess is 55. He's tired of his potbelly and vows to start walking.

博格斯希望沙漠的改变能教会我们如何不用简化就能和变化的环境共处。Burgess hopes the flux of the desert can teach us how to live with a variable environment without simplifying it.

就像人类在快餐店前排队一样,大白鲨聚集在一起期待着人们有东西喂给它们。Like humans lined up at a fast food joint, Burgess said sharks congregate "expecting something to put in their mouth.

男人,哪怕是不爱洗澡的男人,都喜欢追求浴缸里的湿肥皂般难发捉摸的女人。---G.伯吉斯。Men like to pursue an elusive woman, like a cake of wet soap in a bathtub- even men who hate baths. ---Gelett burgess.

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但是,正如博格斯承认的“在我们没有行业经济模型的时候,还是由变化驱动,除非冒险投机。”But, as Burgess admits, "At the moment we have no industrial economic models that are variance driven, except gambling."

前皇家验尸官迈克尔·伯吉斯是第一位止步于戴妃死因调查的人,他辞职的理由是“严重和持久不变的工作”。Former royal coroner Michael Burgess stepped down from heading the inquests in July citing a "heavy and constant" workload.

研究这80年沙漠变化的数据,博格斯得出结论,“可变的降雨量是沙漠的关键。From studying the data of 80 years of desert change, Burgess has concluded that "variable rainfall is the key to the desert.