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巴希拉是一只黑豹。Bagheera is a panther.

一个三英寸高的蓝色绒毛熊。A plush blue stuffed panther 3 feet high.

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豹子分到了外皮、肉汁和肉馅。The Panther took pie-crust, and gravy, and meat.

影歌紫豹现在不会中途无缘无故消失了。Shadowsong Panther will no longer prematurely despawn.

黑豹朝小兔子猛扑过去,不过没扑着。The panther pounced on the little rabbit,but missed it.

黑豹朝小免子猛扑去,不过没扑着。The panther pounced on the little rabbit, but muxxed it.

图示一辆黑豹被英军反坦克武器击中后燃烧起火。Here a Panther burns after being hit by British anti-tank weapons.

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奥布莱恩说,15年后的现在,佛罗里达美洲豹面貌一新。Now, 15 years later, O'Brien says the Florida panther is a new cat.

他们准备和最凶猛的黑豹或一群大灰狼拼斗。They were prepared to fight the fiercest panther or a pack of lobo.

罗烈好友黑豹及时赶到,救走罗烈。Panther of collect intense good friend arrives in time, save Luo Lie.

当它受到的影响时候到现代风格的,狂乱的乐趣,没有人打粉红的豹。When it comes to stylish, frantic fun, no one beats the Pink Panther.

他看见一个巨大的激烈黑豹拖动窗口向死去的女人。He saw a huge fierce panther dragging the dead woman toward the window.

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每辆豹子都中弹起火,逃出来的装甲兵全被严重烧伤。Each Panther caught fire, and all the crews who escaped were badly burned.

他是在巴黎开珠宝店的粉红豹不可分割的一部分。He's part of that Pink Panther group that held up a jewelry store in Paris.

在接受医院CEO面试时她穿了一件领子偏低的上衣,当她身子前倾时,对方隔着桌子看到了她胸部那个黑色的美洲豹文身。Leaning across his desk, she revealed a black panther tattoo on her breast.

现在还好,等会见了潘布朗估计我的神经又要紧张了!Fine so far but as soon as I see Brown Panther my nerves will start jangling!

在晚上,粉红豹酒吧是一个能够通宵尽情跳舞的好地方。At night, a good place to boogie through till sunrise is the Pink Panther Bar.

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许多同学都来到道馆拜师,豹冢昌的父亲终于又精神起来。Many students came to the hall master, Panther mounds Chang father finally up.

诱人的妳彷如神秘美艳的花豹,巡行于夜幕下的非洲草原上。The alluring you is just like a mysterious panther walking in the night Africa.

穿裤子的巨大黑豹度过了心脏移植的过度期。The gigantic panther in pants passed the transition period of heart transplant.