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在那寻到我的船桅?。You'll find my mast is here.

电视天线杆在哪?Where is the television mast?

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旗帜在每根旗杆上飘扬。Flags were flying on every mast.

这种船上有一根桅杆和两面帆。The rig is one mast and two sails.

临时拴在柱子上或桅杆的结。The forward mast on a sailing vessel.

那船桅在暴风雨中落于船外。The mast went by the board in the storm.

弥尔顿把它比作船上的桅杆。Milton compares it to the mast of a ship.

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要扯起帆桁,还得过来一个人!Another man is needed to sway the mast up.

临了,他放下桅杆,站起身来。Finally he put the mast down and stood up.

巨浪翻腾,桅杆弯转,吱吱作响。The billows play, the mast bends, creaking.

在一个村子里竖了一个手机信号塔。A mobile-phone mast is erected in a village.

玛丽站了起来,把自己的身体靠在桅杆上。Mary stood up, steadying herself by the mast.

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在一面主帆上,帆前缘被连接到桅杆上。On a mainsail, the luff attaches to the mast.

他们的小帆船桅杆是14英尺。They have a small sailboat with a 14-foot mast.

桅杆的支索在暴风雨中折断了。The stay on the mast was broken during the storm.

我们听见帆拍击着船桅的声音。We heared the flaps of the sail against the mast.

喜欢刺激的人们还可以参加彪马桅杆挑战。Like stimulate people can join puma mast challenge.

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用甲苯胺蓝染色的方法检测肥大细胞。Mast cells were detected with toluidine blue stain.

不允许从钻台上或井架上,往下乱扔东西。Do not throw objects off the floor, mast or derrick.

他拔下桅杆,把帆卷起,系住。He unstepped the mast and furled the sail and tied it.