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奥博德夏戟兵是身穿板甲的丹麦精锐部队。Skilled Danish halberd unit armoured in plate armour.

在地上的杂物间,你发现一柄迅捷戟。Among the rubbish, you find a Halberd of the Swiftwatch.

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第二个警卫把他的戟对准了牧师的胸口。The second sentry leveled his halberd at the parson's breast.

在一次骑马向前张飞,他的蛇戟准备战斗。At once rode forward Zhang Fei, his serpent halberd poised to strike.

长戟民兵擅长对抗骑兵,其手中长戟破甲极为有效。Militia units armed with a halberd which can fend off cavalry, and pierce or crush armour.

龙女这支铁戟极有纤巧而锐利的骨感,是青铜兵器所不能达到的另一番美感。Longnu ' s iron halberd is thin and sharp , is a craft art that bronze weapons couldn ' t have.

红旗卷起农奴戟,黑手高悬霸主鞭。为有牺牲多壮志,敢教日月换新天。The red flag rouse the serf , halberd in hand , while the despot ' s black talons held his whip aloft.

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例如"交戟",只有皇帝才能使用。曹操生前获得享用天子仪卫的资格。For example, the folding halberd only serves the duke, so Cao Cao is entitled to use the defense of duke.

每年都有一部分考生在复试中折戟,因此竞争非常残酷。Every year one part examinee folds halberd in the second-round exam, competition is very accordingly brutal.

当时,新浪的游戏业务已经折戟沉沙,门户中只有网易游戏取得了成功。At that time, the game business of sina has folded halberd heavy sand, only Netease game gained a success in the portal.

中国河北省易县燕下都出土的两把剑和一把戟,其显微组织中都有马氏体存在,说明是经过淬火的。Two sword and one halberd found in YANXIA, Hebei of China , had "MA structure" in its micro-composition which was quenched.

器表施满粉青釉,釉层细润,开片密布,四面出戟,颇具神韵。The table was filled with pink green glaze, renew the glaze layer, open the slice densely, all around, quite a halberd verve.

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冉闵看到它,并导致收费在闫军对他的马,朱龙和挥舞长矛在他的左手和戟与他的权利。Ran Min saw it and led the charge at the Yan army on his horse Zhu Long and wielding a lance in his left hand and a halberd with his right.

轴旋短冲矛戟战车共一百二十辆,黄帝曾用以打败蚩尤。Short-axle Quick-turning Spear and Halberd Chariots, one hundred and twenty of them. They were employed by Yellow Emperor to vanquish Chi You.

这些精锐重装步兵装备链甲和战戟,高呼著“力量与荣誉”率先杀入敌阵。These elite heavy infantry are armed with a halberd and armoured in mail. They are expected to lead the infantry charge into battle with courage and honour.

首次发现的三戈戟、二戈戟,集三戈、二戈于一柄上,提高了杀伤力。Among them, the dual halberd and the ternary halberd, found for the first time, are more lethal when two blades or three blades are attached to one single shaft.

有些干部正因为“个性比较强”,虽多有才华却常常折戟沉沙,而个别平庸者往往被看重。Some cadres because " personality is stronger " , although more talent often folds halberd heavy sand however, and individual and commonplace person often be valued.

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装备并被训练用长戟战斗,他们能抵挡骑兵并用长戟将敌人劈成碎片。Trained and equipped to fight with long halberds, they can fend off cavalry and crush many kinds of enemies depending on what part of the halberd they hit them with.

他们手持长戟,身披板甲,极为残暴嗜血,对一切敌人都毫不留情,其手中长戟即能穿透重甲,亦可击杀骑兵。Armed with a halberd and bedecked in plate armour, these men provide stiff and bloody opposition to all who wish to do them harm. Their long halberds can fend off cavalry, and crush armour.

他向后看了最后一眼,最后的映象是那个令人惊悸的黑色怪物正把战戟高举过头准备往下劈,它的眼神中充满憎恨和狂热的兴奋。Looking back one last time, his final vision was that of the chillingly dark form, halberd held high over its head in preparation, its eyes glaring at him with the fiery malice of eternal hate.