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坚持家庭聚餐。Insist on family meals.

哦,亲爱的。如果你坚持的话。Yes daer. If you insist.

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我坚持要付午餐费。I insist on paying for lunch.

我坚持认为他是无罪的。I insist that he is innocent.

我坚持要你跟我一起去。I insist that you go with me.

我可能可以坚持。Perhaps I could insist someway.

你坚持上面的先断?You still insist on the top one?

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坚持对等的学分转换。Insist on transfer equivalencies.

假如你要坚持到底,那么我也将奉陪。If you insist then I'll endure it.

我有坚持让希腊人也这么做吗?Dol insist on Greeks doing the same?

我坚决主张吃全麦面包。I insist on having wholewheat bread.

好吧,如果你一定要我干这事,我就去干。All right, I’ll do it, if you insist.

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为什么你坚持要分开付款啊?Why do you insist on splitting bills?

我坚持认为慢工出细活。I insist a soft fire makes sweet malt.

我们将抓住这个问题不放。We'll insist on discussing this issue.

坚持,坚持,但它是庸俗化。Insist to insist, but it is vulgarized.

雅科夫·阿尔帕特奇不再坚持了。Yakov Alpatitch did not insist further.

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我坚持要求你把钱退给我。I insist that you give me my money back.

不花钱,但是要坚持才无效果!No cost, but to insist it has no effect!

却甘愿一生固守清贫。On living a poor but clean life I insist.