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他留鬓在他的脸颊上。He wears whiskers on his cheeks.

也许是一副配套的脑波控制胡须吧。Maybe a set of matching whiskers.

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一张褐色的小脸,长着几根胡须。A brown little face, with whiskers.

茅十八,你跟我们走。You're coming with us, Whiskers Mao! '

不要在我的胡须中搜寻片语。Don't search that phrase in my whiskers.

他的胡子慌慌张张地在她脸上扫过。Panic's whiskers brush against her cheek.

他的红髯子染成了紫色。His red whiskers were dyed of a purple hue.

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猫脸上的长胡须是粗毛。The long whiskers on a cat's face are coarse hairs.

扮演老头的演员戴着假胡子。The actor in role of an old man wears false whiskers.

那动物有著一只须毛丛生的长鼻子。The creature had a long nose bristling with whiskers.

这儿是我的脚爪,这儿是我的尾巴,这些是我的胡子。Here are my paws, here is my tail, these are my whiskers.

所有人都说这肯定就是他,那蓬乱的头发,那凹陷、那胡子,真的就是他。The shock of hair, the blemish, the whiskers. He was real.

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然后,我也许让你们全来画龙须呢。After that, maybe I'll teach you to draw dragon's whiskers.

猫是气甲逐支嘴须拢翘翘翘。The cat was very angry. Every one of his whiskers stood up.

棕色的本挠了挠他斑灰白斑驳的胡须。Brown Ben scratched at his speckled grey-and-white whiskers.

要说最新的网络模仿热潮,绝对非猫咪胡须照莫属。As internet mimes go this one is definitely the cat's whiskers.

上披和下托边边都有棕须,十分耐看。Both upper side and subiculum have brown whiskers and look good.

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他微笑着向我望过来,脸颊上的皱纹绽放得像一条条紫色的胡须。He beamed, the lines on his cheeks looking like purple whiskers.

他的须子竖了起来、外套领子也因为愤怒而竖了起来。His whiskers bristled and his coat-collar stood on end with rage.

探讨了一种合成氧化镁晶须的新的工艺方法。This paper presents a new route to prepare magnesium oxide whiskers.